Eight Newborn Babies Found Buried in Garden in France

A couple was arrested after the bodies of eight newborn babies were uncovered in France, some buried in the garden of a home that was recently sold. The case is the latest in a string of similar crimes in France.
According to the BBC, the house's new owners called police on discovering the body of an infant in their garden. After an investigation, authorities headed to another home—this one belonging to the daughter of the first home's original owner—where more infant bodies were discovered. The arrested couple is in their 40s, with grown children.
Earlier this year, a woman was found to have hidden the bodies of six of her newborn children in the cellar after killing them; last year, a woman named Veronique Courjault was put on trial and imprisoned for killing three of her babies in both South Korea and France. Meanwhile, in Germany, a mother named Sabine Hilschenz was put in prison in 2006 for killing eight infants, all hers.
[BBC; pic, of the taped-up gate at the house where the bodies were discovered, via AP]