
RIAA Would Like to Piss on the Fourth Amendment, Please

Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/11 08:36AM

The villainous Recording Industry Association of America, which loves to sue children for millions of dollars for downloading songs that deprived wealthy entertainers of a penny: what is their latest outrage? Pissing on the U.S. Constitution, naturally.

Pakistan's President: I Had No Clue Bin Laden Was Living Here

Jeff Neumann · 05/03/11 06:41AM

Pakistan's duplicitous president Asif Ali Zardari — also know as "Mr. Ten Percent" — is upset at the mere suggestion that Osama bin Laden was living a four-minute drive from "Pakistan's version of West Point" with anyone in his administration or security apparatus knowing anything about it. How dare anyone even suggest such an outlandish claim. In fact, Zardari is so confident in where he stands that he decided to write an op-ed for The Washington Post today to clear things up.

Potty Mouth Trump Goes on Pointless F-Bomb Tirade

Jeff Neumann · 04/29/11 07:32AM

Are you sick of hearing about reality TV shock jock Donald Trump? Same here! But you've gotta like a little pointless swearing, and that's exactly what Trump did last night when his cross country shit show landed in Las Vegas, fresh off his triumph over Barack Obama. Speaking to about 1,000 Republicans, he waded deep into American foreign policy issues.

Donald Trump Is Making Glenn Beck 'a Little Uncomfortable'

Jeff Neumann · 04/02/11 12:24PM

You're treading on some bizarre, uncharted territory if Glenn Beck says you're making him "a little uncomfortable" with rants about bombing China and questioning whether or not Barack Obama is a secret Muslim without a birth certificate. But that's what Donald Trump has done, after his lengthy interview with Bill O'Reilly earlier in the week. Watch for yourself courtesy of "Birther Report," ha.

Rush Limbaugh Seizes Opportunity to Mock Japan

Jim Newell · 03/16/11 05:15PM

The Rush Limbaugh show is a sick affair, always and forever, but this is something special. Tens of thousands are already dead in the country, which is still facing the possibility of catastrophic meltdown in multiple nuclear reactors at any minute. Here's how Limbaugh, the same man who has the power to make or break any Republican politician on a whim, handled a dumb caller's question:

Charles Manson Is a Texting Fiend

Jeff Neumann · 12/04/10 11:26AM

Cell phones are a hot commodity in America's prisons these days. Even Charles Manson was caught with one under his mattress in California's Corcoran State Prison. He's been texting people and even sang a song on one friend's voicemail. Listen!

Grandma Tries to Sell Grandson, Fails Miserably

Jeff Neumann · 11/06/10 01:52PM

A 45-year-old woman named Patty Bigbee was arrested yesterday with her boyfriend after they tried to sell her baby grandson for $75,000. After some haggling the buyer, an undercover police informant, got Bigbee to agree to $30,000.

Asshole Cop to German Tourist: 'This Ain't the Autobahn'

Jeff Neumann · 10/30/10 04:02PM

So a couple of German guys are speeding in a rental car while sightseeing across America. Then a highway cop pulls them over. He even removes the Oakley blades! "You know the speed limit here, Germany Boy?" It gets worse.