
Rush Limbaugh Uses Slurping Sounds to Describe Herman Cain's Accuser

Jim Newell · 11/07/11 04:39PM

Now that we've gotten Howard Kurtz out of the way, it's time to check in on America's other top arbiter of all things important, Rush Limbaugh, to see how he responded to Sharon Bialek's accusations of unwanted sexual advances (or assault) from Herman Cain. Limbaugh chose to focus on the pronunciation of her name: "Gloria Allred says her name is 'BI-uh-lick,' as in [SLURP SLURP] 'Buy-a-lick.'" Clear your schedules, everyone! It's going to be a fun week.

White Man Congratulates Self on Liberation of Libya

Jeff Neumann · 08/30/11 06:00AM

The insufferable Bernard-Henri Lévy has a new piece of self-congratulatory garbage up on the Daily Beast, in which he pats himself on the back for personally liberating Libya from the clutches of Col. Muammar Qaddafi, because in BHL's world, the Other can't do shit without the white man. Okay, first let's give credit where credit is due: BHL keeps Nicolas Sarkozy's testicles in a glass jar on his desk, and he pushed the French president to act militarily on behalf of the rebels in Libya. But the headline for BHL's ode to himself says it all — 'Victorious Return to Libya'. Here, he arrives in Tripoli's Green Square to the delight of 6.5 million Libyans and feigns respect in his victory speech to the masses:

Fugitive Qaddafi Son to World: 'Go to Hell'

Jeff Neumann · 08/23/11 04:20AM

Col. Muammar Qaddfi's high-profile son Seif al-Islam was said to have been captured late Sunday night by Libyan rebels — a claim that was repeated by the International Criminal Court in the Hague where Seif is charged with war crimes along with his father. But early this morning, Seif showed up at Tripoli's Rixos Hotel in a white limo to talk a little shit to foreign journalists. He even took reporters on a guided tour: "We are going to hit the hottest spots in Tripoli."

Take a Tour of Donald Trump's Horribly Gaudy New Jet

Brian Moylan · 08/18/11 02:57PM

Donald Trump bought himself a gold-plated 757 so that he can cruise around the country and pretend like he's running for president in a desperate attempt to remain in the spotlight. Knowing how much everyone in America cares about the details of his private air fleet, Trump posted a video tour of the monstrosity on YouTube. Let's check it out.

Racist Skinheads Banned from Staging Skinhead Riot

Jeff Neumann · 08/12/11 07:36AM

Nationwide civil unrest hasn't come full circle until racist fringe groups come out to point fingers and promote xenophobic vigilantism. And that's where the English Defence League comes in! The group was all set to march on the streets of Telford this weekend in order "to address the threat posed by Muslim child-grooming gangs." Oh, but the British Home Secretary Theresa May today said, "It is clear that a ban is needed to ensure communities and property are protected."

Completely Evil 'Kids for Cash' Judge Is Going to Jail

Jim Newell · 08/11/11 03:50PM

Perhaps you've heard of former Luzerne County, Pennsylvania Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr., an objectively evil person who took bribes to send kids to private prisons. The good news is that he's now going to jail! Sadly, he'll only be there for 28 years.

Payroll Manager Not White Enough for Ivy League Club

Max Read · 08/10/11 10:01PM

Are you sitting down? Good. Because this may come as a shock to you, but you're going to have to grow up sometime: The Princeton Club of New York, a "private social club" catering to Princeton graduates, might be just a little bit racist.

When Making It Rain Goes Wrong

Jeff Neumann · 08/10/11 04:30AM

A 43-year-old dentist from the Chicago area, William Anthony Howe is recovering in the hospital after he crashed head-on into another car on the interstate last Saturday. Howe was going the wrong way and the two people in the car he crashed into are dead. And it gets worse: A witnesses told the Chicago Tribune that Howe "was rifling around his passenger seat and picked up a handful of cash and threw it out the window." Several cars pulled over to grab the money. Shockingly, Howe was driving a red Porsche. So, why would some dickhead in a Porsche make it rain while driving the wrong way on the interstate? This could have something to do with it:

Brazilian Lawmakers Fight for Straights' Rights

Jeff Neumann · 08/04/11 07:35AM

If anyone's been put down by society for far too long — besides young white males — it's the straights, of course. That's precisely why members of Sao Paulo, Brazil's city council have adopted legislation to create Heterosexual Pride Day.

Rich Bankers are Still Crying About 'Unfair' Pay Regulations

Jeff Neumann · 07/06/11 04:15AM

Performing God's work is tough, and should be rewarded accordingly. So it's no surprise that investment banking executives are still bitching and moaning about a looming Federal Deposit Insurance Corp "clawback provision" that would give the government the right to take back up to two years of executives' pay if their banks fail and they ruin the global economy again. It's obviously The Poors' fault for being poor and and stupid and for losing their money, not the guys who are in charge of it.

Debt Collectors Have Feelings, Too

Jeff Neumann · 06/13/11 04:39AM

Few people are more reviled in the over-leveraged United States than debt collectors. They'll talk all kinds of shit to you on the phone about credit card bills, or student loans that you one day decided to stop paying (but eventually started paying again to clear your guilty conscience and to be a good person), sure, but they're also victims of verbal abuse and stupid laws and they're just not gonna take it anymore.

Alaska's Worst Person Bike Jacks a 7-Year-Old Girl

Jeff Neumann · 06/07/11 04:45AM

It's not easy to steal the title of Alaska's Worst Person for obvious reasons, but on Sunday, 32-year-old Byron Edward Syvinski of Anchorage did. He allegedly tried to mug a 17-year-old boy (and punched the kid's father), before rampaging down the street: