
Christie and Peter Settle!

cityfile · 07/10/08 05:26AM
  • After weeks of battling in court, Christie Brinkley and Peter Cook negotiated a "surprise" settlement last night, which they announced at 6 AM this morning. Many of the details are still fuzzy—they'll explain more when they get to court this morning—but custody will likely stay as is, and Christie will likely retain ownership of most of the couple's properties. [NYP]

Alumni Report: Dalton Edition

cityfile · 07/08/08 12:45PM

Dalton was in the news last week when it was revealed that not a single graduating senior had landed a spot at Harvard. According to Page Six magazine, at Dalton's graduation ceremony last month, "one mom was heard muttering, 'I won't send my grandchildren here, that's for sure.'" Fret not, Dalton parents! A long list of notable people have walked the halls of the posh school, even a few people (like Arden Wohl, left) who don't seem to be famous for any other reason than for wearing unusual headgear and attending lots of parties. A list of other Dalton grads after the jump.

A Field Guide to 2008's Six Douchiest Cliques

Noelle · 04/09/08 01:30PM wants to tell you who the cool kids are. They've compiled a field guide to "2008's Coolest Cliques" using the following six dubious categories: The New (New) Bohemian, The European Union, The Swans 2.0, The Catwalk Queens and The New Kids on the Blog. Julia Allison is mentioned three times! The whole thing is rather irritatingly in ad-maximizing slideshow form and the commentary is anodyne, so here's a condensed and snarkier version. Buckle in, kids. We'll get through this together.

Arden Wohl

cityfile · 01/30/08 01:27PM

Arden Wohl is the headband-obsessed, spotlight-hungry girl-about-town who describes herself as a filmmaker, dessert maven, and philanthropist these days. She's the daughter of real estate developer Larry Wohl and social fixture/Kabbalah enthusiast Denise Wohl.

Doree Shafrir · 07/16/07 11:58AM

Contributing editors at Deb Schoeneman's Hampton Style: sometime Times travel writer Julia Chaplin, Lucky and Paper and Time Out vet Kristina Dechter, UK Observer New York contributor Edward Helmore, former "Topic A With Tina Brown" gal and Radar contributor Sarah Horne, photographer Noah Kalina, Eater king Ben Leventhal, celeb photog'er Patrick McMullan, former High Times editor Annie Nocenti, Daily Candy lass Pavia Rosati, former Glamour blogger Alyssa Shelasky, College Humor honcho Ricky Van Veen, pothead socialite Arden Wohl, Deb's former Observer co-worker Alexandra Wolfe. No wonder everyone loves it so much. [Hampton Style/The Beach]

Is Colombe Jacobsen The Arden Wohl Of The Kitchen?

Joshua Stein · 05/30/07 01:13PM

After Julia Child stopped smoking weed and wearing headbands, the professional kitchen has been casting about for its own Arden Wohl, the free-spirited young socialite whose Cherokee-inspired headgear and sly self-depreca-promotion have catapulted her to the depressing stratosphere of socalitism. As Felix Gillette ably expresses in a classically absurd Observer article, personal chef and soon-to-be star of the Food Network Colombe Jacobsen might just be the woman.

Allison Sarofim

Joshua Stein · 05/24/07 03:15PM

Avenue, the magazine of choice for the filthy rich, put Allison Sarofim on their new cover. The young(ish) socialite is sitting on an Eames chair in a Chanel dress. What looks to be a script lies open on the floor. "Downtown Doyenne," proclaims the headline: "Allison Sarofim takes the party south." Why do we never think about her? We have been missing out!

Arden Wohl And The Teaches Of Peaches

emily · 04/11/07 10:02AM

"But you know, it just depresses me: Some girl named Peaches who lives in the Bronx—I don't what she does—looks at this world and says, 'Oh wow.' And I would never want to give off something that is an illusion, because you hurt people that way. And they're already struggling so much—the people." That's aspiring filmmaker Arden Wohl, on the socialite culture she reviles. Yesterday, Arden told us that she wouldn't consider hiring a publicist. We're praying to every god and goddess of which we're aware that she keeps her word on that one.

Arden Wohl: "I Hate Those Girls"

Emily · 04/10/07 12:19PM

Arden Wohl would like to set the record straight about a couple of things. And what do you know: they're the same couple of things we mentioned yesterday! Well, we did ask her to come talk to us (note: she did not, in fact, bring her bowl). Anyway, thing one: the Page Six blind item that many assumed to be about Arden, which alleged that she would "do anything to associate her name with A-list actresses." Not so, says Arden: "I have no desire to be associated with A-list actresses. I'm sorry I came across that way." In fact, even though she does give money and co-host benefits like the upcoming Operation Smile event that will find her allied with Byrdie Bell and Olivia Palermo, Arden doesn't see herself as a socialite. "People have been telling me that I should get a publicist. I'm like, who am I, one of those girls? I hate those girls."

Arden: The Wohl Truth

Emily · 04/09/07 01:03PM

When alternasocialite Arden Wohl first caught our eye, she was smoking weed. We liked her immediately! Yes, that's all it takes. But in the weeks since we first noticed Arden, a lot of other people have noticed her too. She's going around cohosting high-profile benefits, including an upcoming one with fellow "new guard" social-gals Byrdie Bell and Olivia "that weird letter debacle" Palermo. And not everyone is quite as pro-Arden as we are. Take those meanies over at Page Six, for instance! Could they have been referring to Arden, and to our recent post about her supposed sharing of a dude with Scarlett Johanssen, with this blind item? "Which bejeweled social climber will do anything to associate her name with A-list actresses, even create bogus, salacious gossip to promote her faux "friendships"? Hmm. Do we have to revise our original stonededly loving opinion of Arden? Let's take a look at the evidence.

Are Pothead Socialite Arden Wohl and Scarlett Johansson Doing The Same Dude?

Emily · 03/28/07 03:10PM

Who's that pretty girl? Why, it's weed-liking alternasocialite Arden Wohl, walking the runway for Imitation of Christ last fall. It's hard to recognize her without her head jewelry! Front and center at that selfsame show was alternasexpot Scarlett Johansson, and rightly so: we hear that those two gals are pals. But would they still be if, as we also hear, they knew that they're both doing it with the same guy? Our tipster informs us that the man in question is a bicoastal film director, but don't worry: he's only "41," not 104 or however old Woody Allen is now. We asked our friend Arden to confirm/deny/weigh in, but she hasn't gotten back to us yet: she's probably busily prepping for the Nest Foundation benefit and silent art auction that she's co-hosting tonight with Leelee Sobieski and Stella Schnabel, among others. So is it true, or is it a total random lie? What color head jewelry goes with heartbreak? So many questions.

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Team Party RSVP: 'New York Magazine' Oscar Party @ The Spotted Pig

Emily Gould · 02/26/07 04:11PM

Last night, you watched the Oscars from your couch with a bucket of Cheez Things. Gawker editor Emily Gould and Gawker associate editor Doree Shafrir watched the Oscars at the Spotted Pig with people from reality TV and the bitchy queens of New York magazine, while Gawker photographer Nikola Tamindzic took lovely pix. Jealous much? Well, don't be: it was damn hard to see the show over all those people's heads. (Ooo, sort of a pun!) But Doree and Emily did make some fun new friends at the party, like ganja-toking socialite Arden Wohl (pictured above with a pregnant pal). And they even made it home in time to catch John Travolta's bizarre allusion to his queenliness. The first half of their epic postgame IM convo is after the jump.