Arden Wohl would like to set the record straight about a couple of things. And what do you know: they're the same couple of things we mentioned yesterday! Well, we did ask her to come talk to us (note: she did not, in fact, bring her bowl). Anyway, thing one: the Page Six blind item that many assumed to be about Arden, which alleged that she would "do anything to associate her name with A-list actresses." Not so, says Arden: "I have no desire to be associated with A-list actresses. I'm sorry I came across that way." In fact, even though she does give money and co-host benefits like the upcoming Operation Smile event that will find her allied with Byrdie Bell and Olivia Palermo, Arden doesn't see herself as a socialite. "People have been telling me that I should get a publicist. I'm like, who am I, one of those girls? I hate those girls."

"I mean, I don't hate the nice ones, the ones I've known since I was four... I'm on the committees for a lot of things, but I don't go to a lot of events." So why put on a party dress for Operation Smile, then? "I feel bad for kids' palates." Fair enough! Who doesn't?

Speaking of charity, Arden would also like to correct those who questioned her commitment to the NEST foundation, like the tipster who said that, at a recent blind auction to benefit the charity, "a total of $150,000 was raised (pre-expenses). Everyone's a winner! Except the artists, who donated work only to see it sold at low prices by a select group of super-rich."

"The NEST foundation is a serious, serious thing to me," Arden told us. "Also, after expenses, we raised $158,000."

Earlier: Arden: The Wohl Truth