When alternasocialite Arden Wohl first caught our eye, she was smoking weed. We liked her immediately! Yes, that's all it takes. But in the weeks since we first noticed Arden, a lot of other people have noticed her too. She's going around cohosting high-profile benefits, including an upcoming one with fellow "new guard" social-gals Byrdie Bell and Olivia "that weird letter debacle" Palermo. And not everyone is quite as pro-Arden as we are. Take those meanies over at Page Six, for instance! Could they have been referring to Arden, and to our recent post about her supposed sharing of a dude with Scarlett Johanssen, with this blind item? "Which bejeweled social climber will do anything to associate her name with A-list actresses, even create bogus, salacious gossip to promote her faux "friendships"? Hmm. Do we have to revise our original stonededly loving opinion of Arden? Let's take a look at the evidence.

Well, she's definitely a class A namedropper. A pal of ours who met her recently was amused that she managed to mention her "best friend" Leelee Sobieski (who narrated one of her student films) and her other good buddy George Clooney (who is co-producing her upcoming documentary about child prostitutes) within the first moments of their conversation. And while telling Paper about that latter project, Arden loosed this pearl: "My friend Tara [Subkoff] always says, 'You are going to be the best producer because you find all these talented people. You draw it out of them.'" Um, maybe her refusal to act all fake-modest is refreshing! Or something.

But wait, here's a reason to like Arden! Her mom is a lovable looney tune who makes comic books about fashionable superheroes who fight evil with the power of Kabbalistic principles! "They are not mutants. They are extremely gifted individuals. They are masters in quantum physics," is how Denise Wohl described the stars of her comic book Seven to the Times. If only all Park Avenue wives of wealthy real estate semi-tycoons turned their minds to such creative pursuits!

Before we cuddle back up to Arden and her headcklace wholeheartedly, though, let's take this into consideration: some people aren't so convinced of Arden's dedication to her social issue of choice (remember, the child hookers?) About that benefit for NEST, a tipster writes: "Many highly regarded artists donated work and those in attendance had a collective income sufficient to purchase Texas many times over. A total of $150,000 was raised (pre-expenses). Everyone's a winner! Except the artists, who donated work only to see it sold at low prices by a select group of super-rich."

Well, it seems like everyone's got their own take on Arden. We're reserving our opinion until the lady herself weighs in. Come on down and talk to us, Arden! And bring that bowl.

Could This Be The Photo-Op That Distracted Arden Wohl At A Benefit For Child Sex Trade Victims? [Wendy Wayrad]