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  • After weeks of battling in court, Christie Brinkley and Peter Cook negotiated a "surprise" settlement last night, which they announced at 6 AM this morning. Many of the details are still fuzzy—they'll explain more when they get to court this morning—but custody will likely stay as is, and Christie will likely retain ownership of most of the couple's properties. [NYP]
  • East Hampton cops caught Arden Wohl scrawling "Ralphy Lip-shits" in lipstick on the front of Ralph Lauren's store Saturday night. Now she's been charged and is expected to appear in court in August. [Page Six]
  • Cynthia Rodriguez says she stills loves Alex, and partially filed for divorce to prove to him that she's not weak. Also, she says she's not out to damage her husband in the press! [Cindy]
  • Madonna might show up at a charity party A-Rod's throwing at the 40/40 club next Monday. [ET]
  • Madonna's brother—you know, the one who is shopping a tawdry tell-all about his sis—is telling people that she has a huge ego. [NYP]
  • Doctors at the French hospital where Angelina Jolie has been staying have covered the windows of her ocean-front room with a "special" substance in an effort to thwart the paparazzi. [OK!]
  • Unsuprisingly, Amy Winehouse's neighbors want her evicted from the house she's renting in North London because of her non-stop partying and outdoor brawls. Meanwhile, she just thinks that everyone is out to get her. [Daily Star, Mirror, Mirror]
  • Jennifer Aniston found a bunch of love letters Jessica Simpson wrote to John Mayer in his guitar case. [Page Six]
  • Michael Jackson showed up at a Las Vegas bookstore with his three kids, wearing pajamas, slippers, and being pushed in a wheelchair. Also, his skin was peeling off. [NYDN]
  • Matthew McConaughey sold pictures of his newborn son, Levi, to OK! magazine for $3 million. [Page Six]
  • James Franco graduated from UCLA with an English lit degree last month, and now he's moving to New York to attend grad school at NYU. [R&M]
  • Olivia Newton-John and her boyfriend John Easterling just got married. They had two ceremonies, one in Peru and one in Florida. [Hello]