
Anonymous Denies Involvement In Sony Hack

Adrian Chen · 05/05/11 01:29PM

Anonymous (or someone saying they're with Anonymous—you never know!) has issued a press release denying any involvement in the theft of millions of people's credit card data from Sony servers, like we said they would. Nerd backlash averted?

Anonymous Fears Nerd Backlash From PlayStation Hack

Adrian Chen · 05/04/11 02:42PM

The Sony hackers who perpetrated one of the biggest data breaches in history left a calling card on Sony's servers: a file called "Anonymous," containing the notorious hacking group's tag line. This is bad news for Anonymous, whose members largely want nothing to do with the hack.

Sony Writes Off Hack Attack as 'Maintenance'

Ryan Tate · 04/04/11 05:50PM

The hacker collective Anonymous threatened to attack Sony web servers today, and sure enough and are now down. But Sony is blaming the outage on "sporadic maintenance." Oh, is that what they're calling it these days?

Inside Anonymous' Secret War Room

John Cook and Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 01:00PM

Dissident members of the internet hacktivist group Anonymous, tired of what they call the mob's "unpatriotic" ways, have provided law enforcement with chat logs of the group's leadership planning crimes, as well as what they say are key members' identities. They also gave them to us.

Anonymous to Leak Bank of America Documents Monday

Adrian Chen · 03/11/11 06:50PM

A member of the activist collective Anonymous is claiming to be have emails and documents which prove "fraud" was committed by Bank of America employees, and the group says it'll release them on Monday. The member, who goes by the Twitter handle OperationLeakS, has already posted an internal email from the formerly Bank of America-owned Balboa Insurance Company.

What's Up With Today's Wave of Cyber Attacks?

Adrian Chen · 03/04/11 12:06AM

The world is going cyber crazy! The CIA's website is currently down, cutting off CIA personnel from their email. One of the Internet's largest blogging platforms ground to a halt after a massive cyberattack this morning, and South Korean government websites are currently buckling under their own attacks. Is it the Cyberocalypse?

Anonymous Attacks Koch Brothers to Support Wisconsin Protests

Adrian Chen · 02/27/11 08:42PM

Having sparred with Westboro baptist church last week, the loose-knit hacking collective Anonymous' next targets are the billionaire Tea Party-backing Koch brothers, David and Charles. Under the newly-launched "Operation Wisconsin," Anonymous members have taken down the website of the Koch-funded free-market advocacy group Americans for Prosperity with a DDoS attack. (Update: It's back up.)

Colbert: Crossing Anonymous Is Like Sticking Your Penis In a Hornets' Nest

Adrian Chen · 02/25/11 12:32AM

Anonymous has attracted plenty of attention from all sorts of news organizations; but their recent pro-Wikileaks hack attacks have finally landed them on the most important show in all of television: "The Colbert Report." Colbert dug into the twisted saga of Anonymous vs. the security firm HBgary, which ended with HBGary employees' inboxes spilled all over the web. Colbert at his geekiest, and good press for Anonymous—here's a rare mainstream outlet portraying them in almost heroic light, compared with usual darkness.

Anonymous Hackers Launch Wikileaks for Normal People

Adrian Chen · 02/12/11 01:39PM

Last week, the loose-knit hacking collective Anonymous stole over 50,000 emails from security researcher Aaron Barr. Now they're launching the Wikileaks-style, to make it easy for anyone to browse Barr and his colleagues' private emails. Want to read the excruciating love letter a security company executive sent her husband?

An Interview With a Target of the FBI's Anonymous Probe

John Cook · 02/11/11 01:47PM

The feds are taking Operation Payback seriously: In response to the Anonymous attacks on Paypal, Mastercard, Amazon, and other corporations that severed ties to Wikileaks in the wake of Cablegate, the FBI has served more than 40 search warrants and subpoenas as part of an ongoing grand jury investigation into the attacks based in San Jose, Calif. We spoke to one target of the investigation, a 19-year-old woman who lives on the West Coast, anonymously about the FBI raid on her home, her participation in the movement, and the FBI's fundamental cluelessness about the nature of Anonymous.

FBI Raids Dozens In Pro-Wikileaks Hacktivist Investigation

Adrian Chen · 01/28/11 12:59AM

The FBI executed more than 40 search warrants today in connection with its investigation into Operation Payback, last month's wave of cyber attacks targeting companies that cut off Wikileaks. Things are not looking good for Anonymous.

A Field Guide to Wikileaks and Its Adversaries

John Cook · 12/14/10 04:32PM

In case you haven't noticed, a pasty fugitive hacker has been at war with the U.S. government for the past few weeks while his minions use the net to attack global corporations. So what's all the fuss about?

The Top Three Myths About Anonymous

Adrian Chen · 12/09/10 11:55PM

By now you've heard about how the shadowy collective Anonymous is launching cyberattacks—"Operation Payback"—against perceived enemies of Wikileaks, including PayPal, Amazon and MasterCard. But you've probably heard wrong. Let us debunk three commonly-held myths about Anonymous.