
Meet the LulzSec Leader Arrested by British Police Today

Adrian Chen · 07/27/11 01:46PM

British police announced today that they arrested a 19-year-old hacker in Scotland's isolated Shetland Islands who used the nickname "Topiary" online. Here's what we know about this core member of the hacking group Lulz Security, from interviews and leaked chat transcripts.

LulzSec Leader Arrested In Scotland

Adrian Chen · 07/27/11 11:57AM

Scotland Yard says it's arrested the leader/unofficial spokesman of the notorious hacking group LulzSec, a hacker who went by the handle Topiary. The noose is about as tight as it can get around LulzSec now.

Feds Hunt for Anonymous Hackers Who Crashed Toilet Paper Website

Adrian Chen · 07/26/11 05:29PM

The evil, teaparty-funding Koch Brothers do not appreciate their websites being bombarded by hackers. The FBI is targeting people possibly connected to a February Anonymous attack on Koch Industries websites, including a brutal assault on their powerful bathroom tissue manufacturing arm.

Anonymous Hackers Have Naked Groupies Now

Adrian Chen · 07/15/11 04:43PM

If you need any more proof that the hacking group Anonymous has achieved rockstar status in certain nerdy circles, check out their groupies. SexyFawkes is a porn site (NSFW) of naked ladies (mostly) wearing the group's signature Guy Fawkes' mask.

Vigilantes Out Wrong Guy as Hacker Mastermind

Adrian Chen · 07/14/11 03:40PM

One of the favorite pastimes of hackers is attempting to expose other hackers. These attempts at "doxing," as it's called, almost always identify the wrong people. The latest victim is a Portuguese guy who's been fingered as a ringleader of the hacking groups Anonymous and Lulz Security.

When to Freak Out About a Hacker Attack

Adrian Chen · 07/07/11 06:30AM

This summer it seems every day brings dire news of a new data breach perpetrated by shadowy hackers. For those prone to panic, it might be enough to end in a hospital visit. But there's no need to freak out about every single attack reported by a hacker-obsessed media.

British Hacker Suspect Charged With Cybercrimes

Adrian Chen · 06/22/11 11:51AM

The 19-year-old suspect in the Lulz Security hacking spree has been been charged with "cybercrimes," including a DDoS attack on the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, according to Sky News—no charges related to hacks in the U.S. were filed.

Lulzsec Hackers Declare War on Government Agencies

Adrian Chen · 06/20/11 05:40PM

The swashbuckling hacking group Lulz Security says it's teaming up with fellow hacking group Anonymous to wage war on government agencies and anyone who gets in their way. Everyone: Change all your passwords to ninety-character strings of random letters and symbols!

Anonymous and NATO in Cyber Pissing Match

Adrian Chen · 06/09/11 03:33PM

In this corner, the amorphous blob of Wikileaks-loving nerds: Anonymous! And in this corner, the sometimes-relevant intergovernmental military alliance NATO! NATO wants to kill Anonymous, but Anonymous says back off.

NATO Is Scared of Anonymous

Max Read · 06/01/11 08:53PM

Thanks to its recent attacks on the Chamber of Commerce and security firm HBGary, anarchic hacker collective Anonymous has popped up on the radar of NATO, which worries that the cheeto-fingered dorks "could potentially hack into sensitive government, military, and corporate files." (Just kidding about the cheetos, guys! Don't hack us!)

Gene Simmons on His Anonymous Foes

Adrian Chen · 05/15/11 03:05PM

After the online vigilante group Anonymous attacked his websites last October, KISS bassist Gene Simmons promised to hunt the perpetrators down and "sue their pants off." In an interview this week he struck a much softer tone.

Gene Simmons Scores One Against Anonymous

Adrian Chen · 05/06/11 04:53PM

The attack against KISS frontman Gene Simmons' website last year was one of the most bizarre campaigns in the history of the online vigilante group Anonymous. But the FBI is on the case and has raided the home of a Washington man thought to be involved in the attack.

New Attack on Sony Planned for the Weekend

Adrian Chen · 05/06/11 03:19PM

Hackers—who may or may not be associated with Anonymous—have access to Sony servers and are planning to attack the company's website this weekend and leak any information they can steal, including, possibly, customer credit card data, reports CNET. This comes just two weeks after an attack on the PlayStation Network exposed the personal data of millions of Sony customers. At this point, Sony might as well just post its payment databases on its own website.