Anonymous took down Egyptian government websites today to protest the country's Internet censorship. Old news. Now they've moved on to Yemen, where an Egypt-style "day of rage" is scheduled for tomorrow. Hackers have already taken down the Ministry of Information.

The loose-knit, international hacking collective known as Anonymous strikes again! Despite a worldwide crackdown, activists have been busily organizing to support the recent protests in Tunisia and Egypt. Yemen's next: A bulletin in the Anonymous chat room dedicated to Operation Yemen boasts about taking down the Yemeni Ministry of Information's website: " We Iz Down." The website of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh is offline too—probably the work of the Anonymous. The Operation Yemen chat room is quiet now, but it's safe to say chatter will start up once Yemenis take to the street. Some Anonymous members have already drawn up a list of Yemeni websites to target.

Yemenis probably will not notice Operation Yemen, given that only about five percent of them have access to the Internet. But that's not stopping Anonymous from getting in on what could be the Middle East's next popular uprising. The group tried to flood Egyptian schools with faxes of Wikileaks cables after Mubarak's regime cut Internet access there; maybe they can send hundreds of carrier pigeons to drop the cables into Yemen? Everyone knows Wikileaks automatically causes revolutions in repressive Arab regimes.