
Cord Jefferson · 03/08/13 11:47AM

Scientists now believe dolphins call one another by name. Further evidence that the dolphin will soon rise up and reign.

If You Go to Vet School, You Will Be Broke

Hamilton Nolan · 02/25/13 09:40AM

Ever since you were a little kid, you loved animals. Cats, dogs, other animals: you just loved them. Petted them and everything, real nice. You always dreamed, since you were a little kid, of growing up and working with animals every single day. You love the pretty animals, and you want to help them. Even when you were five years old, you knew that one day, you would grow up and become a veterinarian.

Dog Food Has to Be People Food Now

Hamilton Nolan · 02/06/13 10:44AM

Do you own a dog? Is your dog's name "Ranger?" Why not? Do you sometimes—because you love Ranger very much—go to the special pet store and buy him special, more expensive "Science Diet" dog food that is scientifically formulated to be food, for dogs? You monster. You're feeding your dog science? How is that even natural?

Can Animals Be Mentally Ill?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/13 04:00PM

Welcome to our science-like new feature, "Hey, Science," in which we will have our most provocative scientific questions answered by real live scientists (or related experts). No question is too smart for us to tackle, theoretically speaking. This week, experts answer the question: Do animals get mental illnesses, just like humans? Or is your dog just dumb?

Florida's Governor Adopted a Dog for the Campaign, Promptly Returned It From Whence it Came

Robert Kessler · 01/14/13 07:28PM

A dog can be a political double-edged sword: treat it well and you get lots of good press; treat it shitty and, well, just ask Mitt Romney how that worked out for him. Florida's Republican (and wildly unpopular) Gov. Rick Scott is the latest politician to fall victim to dog-loving media. The Tampa Bay Times reveals that shortly after being elected governor, the Scott family returned a rescue dog they had adopted during the campaign back to its previous owners. Yikes.

Why Are Dogs Racist? Canine Experts Speak

Hamilton Nolan · 01/03/13 12:15PM

Dogs: why are they so racist? You know the type: prancing along as merry as can be until a human of a certain skin tone walks by, and then—bang!—all the barking and snarling and biting. It's been a source of uncomfortable comedy for years. Some dogs are just racist. But why? We turned to the real live dog psychology experts to find out.

What Do You Buy For People Who Instagram Their Cats: A Gift Guide

Camille Dodero · 11/23/12 11:00AM

In theory, cat people are easy to please. Just slap a wretched meowing illustration on a canvas tote bag and—voila—you have a present for your local cat freak. Buy them a kitten calendar and be assured they will secretly pet it everyday on the way out the door. Order a "humorous" catnip party-pack and receive the polite chuckle an herbal blend called Cat-Astrophy deserves.