
Cats Are Killing Everyone and Everything

Caity Weaver · 08/08/12 09:48AM

Imagine if you lived with a teenager who went out every night drinking and killing and entering crawl spaces where they could become trapped.

Here's a Video of Two Goats Surfing

Taylor Berman · 07/12/12 06:00PM

Above is video of two goats surfing in California. The goats were trained by their owner, Dana McGregor. Said McGregor:

Cee Lo Warned Not to Rock Out With His Cockatoo Out

Louis Peitzman · 06/24/12 11:30AM

The Voice judge and Bond villain Cee Lo Green spends much of his time on the reality TV competition stroking his feline companion, Purrfect. Next season he is swapping her out for a Moluccan cockatoo named Lady — and animal rights activists are not happy about it.

No, You Can't Strangle Puppies for Art

Louis Peitzman · 04/28/12 11:16AM

Close call, everyone: a German artist has been denied the ability to perform his piece Death as Metamorphosis, in which he was going to strangle two puppies to death on stage. Despite the horrific, seemingly anti-puppy content, the artist claims he had the noblest of intentions.

Do You Need to See This Photo of a Hideous Bald Mouse Growing Mutant Hair?

Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/12 01:34PM

"You need to see this photo, Drudge Report and Gawker," The Toronto Star tweeted today. The photo in question is of the ugliest mouse imaginable—veiny and bald and resembling an impossibly mutated monster's scrotum—with a tuft of coarse black hair growing from the back of its neck. The hair, the Star writes, is the product of revolutionary "bioengineered hair follicles" created by stem-cell researchers in Japan.