Thankfully, New York's most precious resident, Mitik, survived Hurricane Sandy unscathed. But now the real trouble begins.

The storm caused severe flooding at the New York Aquarium at Coney Island, and without power 12,000 animals will have to be evacuated soon. A spokesperson tells the Huffington Post the aquarium is at a "very critical period."

So how will we keep the adorable sea creatures alive in their time of need?

Salt water creatures could be released into the tunnels that house the 1, 2 and 3 trains. Now that the rats have found shelter elsewhere, New Yorkers will need some kind of fauna upon which to gaze as they wait for the train. Perhaps the MTA could even install one of those shark tunnels like at fancy resorts.

Animals who require fresh water are more complicated. New Yorkers should volunteer to house animals in their bathtubs. Imagine parties: "Welcome to my home. The keg and baby crocodile are in the tub!"

How will you do your part to find Mitik a new home?

[Via Huffington Post // Image via AP]