
Animals, Ranked

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/13 03:11PM

Scientists cannot tell you how many animals there are in the world. But we can tell you something more important: which animals are the best.

Just Some Fashionable Animals from an Alternate Universe

Maggie Lange · 08/23/13 01:58PM

Miguel Vallinas, a photographer based in Madrid, created a marvelous mix of fashion photography and animal close-ups, so that all wondrous creatures of the earth can wear the trendiest attire, and they wear it so much better than you. It's like an alternate universe with swans, gazelles, deers, and donkeys looking all elegant and judgey. Scroll down to gaze upon the most fashionable animals on the planet, starting with the distraught swan who realized that a turtleneck was a childish choice.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/13 03:50PM

When it comes to mating, shorebirds prefer a good body to a large brain, and the romantic singing of male bats can attract females in less than one second. Animals are Justin Bieber fans.

Cord Jefferson · 07/11/13 06:44PM

I'd advise you not to look at this Associated Press photo of a horned rabbit afflicted with a papilloma virus, but, hey, it's a free country.

Cord Jefferson · 06/24/13 02:01PM

A red panda missing from the National Zoo was found and captured in a bush in D.C.'s Adams Morgan neighborhood this afternoon. He was probably just after some Jumbo Slice.

"Cat Bearding" Finally Combines Cats, Cameras and the Internet

Ken Layne · 05/23/13 01:04PM

The sudden new craze called "cat bearding" has made us realize that it's always futile to claim the Internet has hit a new low, because as soon as you make such a pronouncement, something like "cat bearding" comes along to remind you the Internet will always be more pointless and absurd and .... oh but that one cat is kind of cute, and so are some of these people, maybe, although who knows what kind of horror the cat beard is hiding.

Rat Meat Sold As "Lamb" In Multi-Million-Dollar Chinese Scam

Ken Layne · 05/03/13 11:50AM

The latest terrible fake food scandal from China resulted in more than 900 arrests after criminal meat processors sold the chemical-soaked flesh of rats and foxes as "lamb meat." As more Chinese demand a daily supply of dead farm animals as food, crafty criminals are butchering and processing anything that moves.