
Cranky Scottish Turtle Named After Gordon Brown

Maureen O'Connor · 02/24/10 04:18AM

"Grumpy Gordon was immediately confined to the 'naughty' tank after his snapping tantrums shocked Sea Life staff... As a more mature snapper turtle, Gordy has quite a jowly chin and grumpy face." [Telegraph]

Hairless Cats Like Water

Etan Berkowitz · 02/23/10 10:30AM

Most cats don't like water—and now we know why. Having wet hair sucks, but when you don't have any hair at all... water is awesome.

Secret Agent Ape

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 02/22/10 11:45AM

With an all-animal cast and its own psychedelic house band, Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, was a strange Saturday morning kids' show experiment. Lance's espionage was about puns, antics, and overdubbing; an evolved approach to his jungle compatriots' poo throwing.

Doggie Trampoline Master Doesn't Quite Cut it

Devon Irete · 02/22/10 10:30AM

This pup seems like the happiest pup ever when he's jumping on his trampoline. He even tries to do something other than jump straight up, but ends up jamming his face into the base repeatedly.

Baby Sloths Gone Wild!

Jessica Poolt · 02/19/10 10:30AM

Many aspects of these two-toed baby sloths appear to be a mystery to their handlers, especially their aggression issues.

Zebra's Escape from the Circus Caught on Tape

Maureen O'Connor · 02/19/10 02:31AM

Remember that video of an unbound horse running alongside bicycles in the Tour de France, featured in Amelie? A runaway Barnum & Bailey zebra paid homage to that yesterday, but on a downtown Atlanta highway.

Friskies Cat has Delicious Acid Trip in Olympics Commercial

Whitney Jefferson · 02/18/10 05:46PM

This was one moment from the Olympics that most of you probably missed—but that we at Gawker.TV rewound, recorded, and uploaded for the world to enjoy. So come enjoy the acid trip that apparently is cat food.

Corgi Puppy has Staircase Anxiety Issues

Jessica Poolt · 02/18/10 10:30AM

We're sure a real butterball, whatever that is, would have an easier time descending a flight of stairs than this adorable ball of fail.

Doggie Dos and Doggie Don't Knows at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 02/17/10 04:17PM

Hot on the paws of the cute meltdown that was last week's Puppy Bowl and coinciding with the Vancouver Olympics, the 134th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show was a canine alternative in the same spirit of elite competition.

After two days of doggie deliberations, Cede (that's short for Mercedes) the Scottish Terrier took home the Best in Show prize—a trophy cup big enough for her to sit in—but it was CNBC commentators' barely informed, innocuous breed banter that won the viewers. Gabbing at the world's greatest dog show, the anchors showed their deep understanding of the beasts.

Cat Plays "I Spy"

Michael Jordan · 02/17/10 10:25AM

This cat gets pretty frustrated while playing "I Spy" with its owner. If it can just figure out the answer, it will get that treat.

Shetland Pony has Crush on a Dog

Arianna Reiche · 02/16/10 10:30AM

Let me get this straight, the cutest animal in existence fell in love with, and adopted the mannerisms of, the second cutest animal in existence? Does this mean media can end now?

The Majestic Ladybug Crashes and Burns

Mike Byhoff · 02/16/10 10:09AM

Isn't flying an innate skill in all bugs that have wings? Like, they're born with the skill and it comes to them naturally? Well apparently no one told this ladybug, or it had a few too many cocktails before take-off.

Little Jockey Dog Races Itself

Devon Irete · 02/12/10 10:30AM

Wearing what is likely to be the most absurd doggie outfit ever, a little beagle races his jockey man around a snowy yard. It's just like a real race, pit stop and all.

Cat Vs. Robot: There Can Be Only One

Mike Byhoff · 02/12/10 09:36AM

Once in a while the battle between an unstoppable force and an immovable object shake the very foundation of our beliefs: gorilla vs. bear, shark vs. alligator, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla. None of these compare to Kitty vs. Robo-Arm.

Cat Eats with Utensils, Dies Inside

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 02/11/10 11:45AM

The warped adoration required to become a crazy old cat lady can be a beautiful thing if focused on a single beast. Feline sophisticate Tessa, who learned her manners from her mistress, is a product of that powerful, freakish love.

This Cat Defines Bitchslap

Devon Irete · 02/11/10 10:30AM

Its all snuggles and pillows until someone gets their ear chewed on. Thats when this kitty brings on the pain.