
Scary Bear Walks on Two Legs

Frank Cozzarelli · 02/10/10 01:00PM

This clip is like the Berenstain Bears recreated into a WTF nightmare. The notion of a bipedal bear sounds cute until you actually see one, and then you realize it's about 600 pounds and taller than Charles Barkley...and probably hungry!

The Driving Dog Prank

Spencer Lund · 02/10/10 11:30AM

Everyone thinks their dog is so smart. But even the dog whisperer doesn't have a dog chauffeur?

Animals Play in the Snow

Michael Jordan · 02/10/10 10:30AM

Between the giant snowfall that's due today and the Winter Olympics starting on Friday, we are ready to play outside. But humans aren't the only ones who like it- here's an original compilation of animals enjoying some winter powder.

Dolphin Intellect is Grossly Underrated

Jessica Poolt · 02/09/10 10:30AM

Let's face it, Dolphins are generally known for being adorable and doing flips. Sure, they receive the occasional props for communicating with sonar and their advanced shark fighting abilities, but are they ever recognized for their ingenious hunting techniques?

Dog Lures Chicken Into Dog House, Then Tries To Mate With It

Aman Ellis · 02/08/10 10:30AM

Is it true love or just puppy love? Either way, this dog and chicken makes for one beautiful inter-species couple. Watch this puppy drag an unsuspecting chicken into its dog house and attempt to make sweet, sweet love.

So, How Cute Was This Year's Puppy Bowl?

Whitney Jefferson · 02/07/10 04:32PM

Only the cutest thing we've ever seen. We're not quite sure what the rules of play are, but the blimp was manned by hamsters, the cheerleaders were sleepy bunnies, and there was a kitty halftime show. Judge for yourself.

Atmospheric Bird Band Writes Own Songs, Plays Own Instruments

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 02/05/10 02:47PM

Céleste Boursier-Mougenot's work explores the intersection of the natural world and man-made environments in soundscapes. In his current installation at London's Barbican Centre, a flock of zebra finches is loosed within an instrumental apiary to create subtly beautiful organic rhythms.

It's Time to Play Whack-a-Kitty!

Frank Cozzarelli · 02/03/10 10:30AM

Cats were created for our amusement. No kitties were harmed in the making of this video, but the mole union isn't too pleased that their gimmick has been usurped by a bunch of adorable kitties.

The Business of Cats

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 02/02/10 11:45AM

Tragically, travel accommodations for kitty businessmen have always been sorely lacking... until now! With the continuing wonders of Japanese culture, feline professionals have their own hotel and transit consultants to cater to their every wish and whisker.

Mother Elephant Rescues Baby Elephant

Michael Jordan · 02/01/10 05:42PM

This elephant youngster accidentally falls into a watering hole that's a little too deep. Luckily, a group of moms spring to the rescue.

Man Gives Motivational Speech to Depressed Cat

Elaine Moran · 02/01/10 10:30AM

Mimi the cat is unemployed and it's taken its toll on her self-esteem. She hasn't gotten out of bed all day. Here, her owner tries to motivate her to make something of herself, but Mimi's too far gone for saving.

Wolf Girl Loves Dogs, Decapitation

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 01/29/10 03:00PM

Sarah "Wolfie Blackheart" Rodriguez is just a normal girl from San Antonio who enjoys long walks in the woods and collecting animal skulls. She's also a werewolf, and probably decapitated a dog, took pictures, and posted them online. Ah, youth!