
Why We Don't Walk Cats

Jon Martin · 03/10/10 10:30AM

Humans have a deal with cats. Poop in your litter box and we won't put a leash on you. Unfortunately, the man in this video has broken this sacred covenant.

Cat Pees but Leaves the Seat Up

Devon Irete · 03/09/10 10:30AM

This cat knows how its done. Get out of the shower to do your business. But flushing and putting the seat down? Way overrated.

It's Zoobooks! The 90s Commercial Gets a Wild Makeover

Whitney Jefferson · 03/08/10 02:16PM

Children of the 90's should be familiar with Zoobooks and their memorable commercial—which just got a brand new voice-over. What, you didn't have these next to your 'My Big Backyard,' 'Highlights,' and Encyclopedia Brittanica?

[via YouTube]

The Viral Video Life Cycle of a Praying Manis

Jill Lawson · 03/05/10 01:52PM

According to the internet, the praying mantis is pretty badass. It can easily kill or defend itself against birds, snakes, cats, dogs, computers and all types of insects. It's greatest for however, the teenage girl.

Cat Just Can't Quit this Static Balloon

Elaine Moran · 03/04/10 10:30AM

Poor Nosey the Cat is battling everyone's wintertime nemesis—Static Electricity— and losing. Watch as he shuffles around, trying to shed the balloon stuck to his fur.

Fat Cat Gets Stuck in Doggie-Door

Arianna Reiche · 03/03/10 10:30AM

There is a fine line between adorable and sad when it comes to fat animals. But this big guy, aptly named "Goliath", has the swagger of a champ, and the regal presence of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.

Dogs Catching Treats in Slow Motion

Whitney Jefferson · 03/02/10 06:14PM

Pedigree dog food has apparently stepped up their game when it comes to commercials. This ad, shot using a 1000-frames-per-second Phantom camera, shows awww!-inducing dogs catching treats with their mouths in slow motion. Neat!

How I Met Your Mother Delights all by Incorporating Teacup Pigs

Whitney Jefferson · 03/02/10 12:12PM

During Barney's quest to bed the ladies, he stumbled upon a sure-fire way to get girls to come back to his apartment: Teacup Pigs. We dare you not to squeal with delight at the sight of these miniature piggies.

And why yes, that is Carrie Underwood playing the girl who fell for the "Teacup Pig" ploy.

Hamster Thinks It's a Dog

Aman Ellis · 03/02/10 10:30AM

Look out, there's a new man's best friend—and this little guy can fit on your desk. Dog bone: check, miniature doggy bed: check, absolutely crippling cuteness: check!

Great Dane vs. The Sprinkler

Devon Irete · 03/01/10 10:30AM

Just when you think the dog's got the hang of drinking from the bowl, you put a sprinkler in the lawn and he gets all mixed up. Does he drink it, bite it, or should he just walk away defeated?

Pigeon Rides the Subway

Frank Cozzarelli · 02/25/10 10:42AM

Pigeons, they're just like us! They poop on the sidewalk, smell like garbage, and apparently...ride the subway.

Dolphins Perform Amazing Blowhole Feats

Frank Cozzarelli · 02/24/10 10:30AM

This dolphin video has something for everybody. Nature lovers will enjoy this because it shows dolphins engaging in rather sophisticated behavior - making bubble rings and swimming through them.

And for those with the sense of humor of an 8-year-old, it has a lot of people repeating the word "blowhole."