
Crazy French Wigmaker Dyes Cat Pink

Mike Byhoff · 03/23/10 09:30AM

Charlie le Mindu may have the world's coolest, and certainly most sedate, cat. Here Billie Porter acts as our guide through the wild world of being French and dying your pet pink with food coloring.

Surprised Cat

Michael Jordan · 03/22/10 10:56AM

You won't notice it at first, but wait for it...wait for it...there, that is one very surprised cat. I wonder what it has seen.

Amazing Surfing Alpaca

Mike Byhoff · 03/22/10 09:30AM

Not content surfing with dogs, this Peruvian man decides to teach an alpaca to surf. Poor thing does not look happy about this.

The Internet Threatens Endangered Species

Ravi Somaiya · 03/21/10 03:08PM

Apparently web trade in the rare Kaiser's spotted newt, and red and pink coral is devastating those species among others. Because person-to-person sales and smuggling is harder to police than big shipments. Put down your credit card, newt lovers. [AP]

Mesmerizing Feather Starfish

Robyn Caplan · 03/19/10 09:30AM

An iridescent feather starfish swims, captivating vision with such ease that one can barely hear the annoying couple yammering in the background.

Angry Lynx In The Kitchen

Elaine Moran · 03/18/10 09:30AM

This woman seems to think that taunting her pet lynx is cute. That's because she's stupid. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow...but mauling is imminent.

Elephant Toothpaste Is As Mysterious As It Is Foamy

Elaine Moran · 03/17/10 02:27PM

This video generates more questions than it answers: what is "Elephant Toothpaste?" Do elephants even need toothpaste? Oh, nevermind- the colors are bright and the music is jaunty, and that's all a video really needs.

Confused Lamb Is Ultra Adorable

Michael Jordan · 03/17/10 09:30AM

This poor baby lamb can't seem to find its owner! Watch it bound from room to room until it realizes she's just down the hall.

Get Over Your Case of the Mondays with Kitties and Boobies

Mike Byhoff · 03/15/10 11:45AM

Unless you like hurricanes, there's a pretty good chance that the weather has completely bummed you out right in time for the work week to begin. We recommend two things to get your groove back: kitties and boobies.

The Teddy Bear Invasion Has Begun

nightintern · 03/15/10 11:18AM

Watch as an unending horde of Teddy Bears attacks a small ocean-side community. Cute as they may be, humans will not soon forget this fateful day, the day of the Teddy Bears.

Alcoholic Monkeys Provide Insight Into Our Own Drinking Habits

Jessica Poolt · 03/12/10 10:30AM

Meet the vervet monkeys of St. Kitts! They're a primate posse of beachcombers whose main perogative is to steal your Margarita. After extensive research, Scientists have discovered parallels between the drinking habits of humans and these miniature boozers.