Recession or not, there are people out there willing to spend tons of money on ridiculous things, especially when it comes to their pets. That being said, today on Wendy Williams, a lady you pay to dress your mutt.

Adding insult to injury, this peddler of canine couture doesn't even do her job well. During a dog fashion show segment, she manages to make clothes for dogs-already something that gives us the heeby-jeebys-look even trashier, more undesirable. Here's how:

Dressing them in outfits that she claims are "punk rock" but are more Limited Too than anything else.

Taking the already obnoxious rhinestone-encrusted leash/collar combo and making it sound even more douchey by calling it "vegan."

By channeling the opening credits of Sex and the City with the butchest of all breeds.


It's enough to make you want to become a cat person.