
Polar Bear Does the Best BP Impression

Morgan Barry · 07/27/10 05:04PM

Everybody Poops is a great book and a fun fact, as well. Watch along with horrified onlookers as this shameless bear does what some poor pool cleaner wishes he hadn't.

Dogs Go On Surfing Vacation

Michelle Cacciatore · 07/26/10 01:30PM

On The Today Show we learned that now hotels all over the country are trying to appeal to dogs. Basically they're being taken on far better vacations than I ever was as a kid. Thanks a lot mom and dad.

This Porcupine Thinks He's a Puppy

Whitney Jefferson · 07/26/10 11:16AM

While we're not ones to judge, there's got to be something quite painful for the owner of a porcupine that acts like a dog. Good thing the guy in this video has a thick pair of gloves on!

Idaho Police Dog Back On Duty After Serving Suspension

Jeff Neumann · 07/26/10 05:03AM

Sun Valley Idaho's star cop, a 5-year-old German shepherd named Dax, was suspended last month for attacking a small schnauzer. Police Chief Cameron Daggett said that after some time off duty, "Dax will be receiving more training."

Zombie Jellyfish Stings 150 People

Maureen O'Connor · 07/22/10 02:48PM

A dead jellyfish unleashed widespread panic when its body deteriorated and morphed into a cloud of disembodied stingers and descended upon a popular swimming beach in New Hampshire, stinging 150 and hospitalizing five. Disgusting local news report ahead!

Zoo Lens

Max Read · 07/21/10 12:45AM

[A polar bear is photographed in Tacoma, Wash. as it eats a fish and dreams of a time when it will exact its revenge on the hairless apes who imprisoned it. Pic via AP.]

Man Arrested with More Than a Dozen Monkeys in His Girdle

Brian Moylan · 07/20/10 11:09AM

When airport authorities in Mexico City noticed a strange bulge in Roberto Cabrera's shirt they decided to investigate. They found he had 18 rare monkeys in his pockets, and he wasn't happy to see them.

When Donkeys Fly: An Ad Campaign Gone Awry

Jeff Neumann · 07/20/10 05:09AM

Say you're an entrepreneur trying to sell parasailing trips at the beach, but advertisements aren't working. What do you do? Attach a screaming donkey to a parachute and let it drift, because nothing says "beach getaway" like a tortured animal.

This Pug Says "Batman" When He Barks

Matt Cherette · 07/19/10 03:40PM

Meet Teddy Almond Turtle. Teddy is a pug. He is also very fat. But perhaps the coolest thing about Teddy is that, when he barks, he actually screams "Batman." I wonder if he thinks the other pug is Robin? Video inside.

Orphaned Sloths Live the Easy Life

Tom Dobrowolski · 07/15/10 09:30AM

The world's only sloth orphanage, located in Costa Rica, seems more like five star hotel than a zoo. As if these adorable creatures weren't lazy enough, all they do is hang around all day smiling and munching on veggies.

Champion Greyhounds Were on Cocaine

Maureen O'Connor · 07/14/10 04:41PM

Two greyhound-racing Floridians are in trouble after their dogs' urine tested positive for cocaine. (Maybe that explains why they're so skinny?) Officials knew trouble was afoot when the dogs won by a nose. [CBS4, Fark, image via AP]

Baby Red Panda Adopted by Cat

nightintern · 07/14/10 09:30AM

After being abandoned by her mother, a baby red panda is adopted by a cat to raise alongside her own kittens. Naturally everyone gets along wonderfully because they all have adorable in common.