Scottish Brewery Releases Beer Product Packaged Inside Taxidermied Rodents

Do you have a penchant for high-alcohol-content (55%, y'all) beer and taxidermy, and also have $760 to blow? If so, then this new beer product packaged inside dead rodents by Scottish company BrewDog is for you. Video and more, inside.
Yes, you read that right: BrewDog, a Scottish craft brewery, has just announced its newest product: "The End of History," a beer with—somehow—55% alcohol that comes with your very own taxidermied rodent as a case.
Those who want to experience The End of History, however, will have to pay a hefty price: the company is set to sell each bottle for £500 (or about $760). But honestly, someone who would spend that much on a bottle of beer (even with the rodent bonus) probably doesn't care much about frugality in the first place.
If you want to know more about how The End of History is made, here's a video released by the company: