
Rats May Actually Be Nicest People in New York

Max Read · 12/08/11 05:00PM

Here is a fact about New York City: it is filled with jerks. Here's another fact about New York City: it is filled with rats. Here's a third fact, recently discovered by scientists: rats are actually super nice, possibly (probably) even nicer than New Yorkers.

Just Another 'Dog Rescues Half-Smooshed Bag of Kittens' Story

Seth Abramovitch · 12/06/11 09:51PM

For your daily dose of internet uplift, we bring you the amazing story of Regan — a friendly Yellow Lab who happened to notice a bag lying on the side of an Iowa highway, and proceeded to drag it all the way home. Regan plopped his gruesome delivery — a Meow Mix bag covered in blood and guts with something moving around inside — on his master's doorstep, and whined until they reluctantly opened it.

40 Cobras a Surefire Way to Get Your Government's Attention

Seth Abramovitch · 12/05/11 12:00AM

An angry snake charmer from India named Hakkal had his "99 percent" moment when bureaucrats at the Government Land Registry Office refused to process his land-request application. So Hakkal took matters into his own hands: He dumped three sacks full of 40 venomous snakes, including cobras, into the office. The scene was captured in the video above, and shows government workers shooing away the hissing snakes with fabric as the deadly reptiles slid onto chairs and desks. And miraculously — unlike the OWS protests — no one was bitten! [ via Telegraph]

Horny Teens Become Depressed Adults, According to Hamster Study

Leah Beckmann · 12/01/11 04:20PM

Something to know about teenagers is that they are just constantly, persistently, relentlessly always trying to do it. You know, it. Yes, sex "it." I would imagine that high school teachers spend the bulk of their day trying to stop horny youngsters from mashing their gross little body parts into each other. And according to a new study, this early sex-having behavior makes for some pretty depressed and dysfunctional adults.

Why Not Listen to Some Whale Songs for Science?

Adrian Chen · 11/29/11 12:37PM

Forget Spotify, all the cool kids are jamming to sweet, soothing whale songs the Whale Song Project ( is a joint project of Scientific American and the Citizen Science Alliance, which asks internet users like you to listen to whale songs in a massive database then match them up with similar-sounding songs, to help scientists figure out how whales communicate.

The 10 Best Videos of Turkeys on the Attack

Matt Cherette · 11/24/11 03:45PM

When taking into account the fact we eat them for Thanksgiving every year, it's not hard to understand why turkeys seem to harbor disdain for people. But just in case you've remained unaware of the phenomenon, here are 10 videos of some angry toms and hens exacting revenge upon the evil carnivores among us. Happy Thanksgiving! (My mom would like everyone to know that this post was her idea.) View »

The Woman Who Fed Squirrels Too Much

Lauri Apple · 11/19/11 08:17PM

Annick Richardson not only feeds peanuts to the squirrels who frolic about on her yard, but also allegedly enters her neighbors' properties to feed their squirrels as well. This is how she ended up being charged with two counts of criminal trespassing.

Adorable Baby Seal Occupies Mayor's Mansion

Maureen O'Connor · 11/18/11 05:59PM

This morning, a fuzzy baby seal swam up to the rocks behind Gracie Mansion, the official residence of New York City's mayor (though Michael Bloomberg doesn't live there), and sunned itself on a rock. Needled for pictures, the mayor's office eventually tweeted a photograph of the uninvited occupier.

Loud Techno Blamed For Dolphins' Demise

Lauri Apple · 11/15/11 08:06AM

Before buying that special dolphin in your life an Orbital CD this holiday season, note this: some animal rights activists say loud boom-boom music can stress out dolphins so much that they will drop dead. At a Swiss amusement park, for example, two dolphins recently died after a techno party took place just yards away from their dolphinarium.

Upside Down Rhino Was the Last of Its Kind

Seth Abramovitch · 11/10/11 01:42AM

We all gasped in amazement at photos of a black rhinoceros being airlifted upside down to an area of South Africa where it stood a better chance at reproducing. Inconceivably, a new report suggests there's no other rhinos for it to reproduce with.

Four Ohio Idiots Stuffed a Lion Carcass in Their Jeep

Seth Abramovitch · 11/09/11 03:05AM

It's been close to a month now since the world was captivated by the bizarre and tragic massacre of 49 exotic predators released from their Ohio compound and set loose into the general population. When three young locals, friends who gathered for a regular poker game, had heard the news, they instantly landed on the kind of dumb decision that could only be made amongst poker buddies after a few (or a lot) too many: They decided to check out the scene.

Taco-Loving Deer's Rampage Through Restaurant Caught on Tape

Max Read · 11/08/11 09:38PM

Man, we've all been there, haven't we? So desperate for tacos that we crash antlers-first through our local Mexican joint's plate glass window, terrifying its poor employees before wandering dazed out back? Just a regular Sunday morning for us! And a sort of unique Monday afternoon for the Alpharetta, Ga. Taco Mac. (The deer lost an antler in the process but escaped otherwise.) [WYFF4 via HuffPo]

Don't Break Up the Gay Penguins!

Brian Moylan · 11/07/11 01:31PM

The gay hating zookeepers at the Toronto Zoo are about to do something awful. They're going to break up a pair of male penguins, Buddy and his Latin lover Pedro, and make them have sex with women. How could they do that?

Stephen Colbert's Pet-Friendly Economic Fix for America

Matt Cherette · 11/03/11 12:17AM

Even though the cost of having a pet in the U.S. is skyrocketing, Americans aren't abandoning their cute little companions. In fact, many pets are now living more comfortably than unemployed humans and on tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert proposed a pretty unique solution to the financial problems plaguing so many Americans: If you can't beat the pets, be the pets.