Lest there be any doubt that the purse dogs of Manhattan lead more glamorous lives than you do, check out this description of the "luxury dog run" planned for the upcoming $6.5 million renovation of TriBeCa's Hudson River Park:

The oval dog run, opening in 2013 as part of a new $6.5 million section of Hudson River Park, will include separate areas for large and small dogs, a dog-sized drinking fountain and gray-blue pavement designed to appear vibrant blue through a dog's color-blind eyes, the Hudson River Park Trust said last week.

The centerpiece of the dog run, near the base of Pier 26 at Hubert Street, will be a playful water feature that dogs can activate by hopping on a bollard, much like the spray fountains for children in other parks around the city, said Marc Boddewyn, vice president of design and construction at the Trust.

The dog park will also feature umbrellas to keep dogs cool in the summer, because the trees surrounding the park will initially be too young to provide shade, Boddewyn said.

Translation: Hudson River Park will soon have a million-dollar watered-down-dog-shit fountain, which drunk NYU students will dive into no fewer than three times a week.

Expect to see the above passage quoted again in my forthcoming allegorical radicalist manifesto, Animal House 2: Occupy the Purebred Bitches of New York. Down with the poodlearchy! Off with their adorable widdle heads. [DNAInfo, image via Hudson River Park Trust]