
Mysterious Foam Causing Hog Farms to Explode, Killing Thousands of Pigs

Danny Gold · 02/09/12 07:14PM

In 2007 Rolling Stone published a devastating investigative piece on pig factory farms in the United States that made Upton Sinclair's The Jungle look like a pamphlet for Omaha Steaks. How devastating? Since reading it I am still barely able to consume pork products unless they're on some Williamsburg/Portlandia tip where the waiter is like, "This bacon comes from a pig named Steve that was raised on a farm one hour outside of Albany and fed on a diet of organic Georgia green grass." Unless I'm drunk or hungover, in which case I'll eat the dirtiest of dirty bodega bacon.

Answers to All of Life's Little Mysteries

Maureen O'Connor · 02/07/12 04:51PM

"What If All the Cats in the World Suddenly Died?" Yahoo News asked today. Intrigued by this mysterious world without cats (What would we put bread on?) I clicked the link and found myself at Life's Little Mysteries, a LiveScience sister site dedicated to answering search-engine optimized questions of childlike wonderment like "Why are there holes in 'Swiss' cheese?" and "Who Will Succeed Kim Jong-Il?" (Trick question. Can't be answered.)

Puppy Bowl Highlights Need for Year-Round Puppy Channel

Louis Peitzman · 02/05/12 04:48PM

For many of us, Super Bowl Sunday is less about the football and more about Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl — now in its eighth adorable year. As an alternative to the sports of it all, The Puppy Bowl is arguably (please don't argue with me on this) the greatest programming decision made by any network, ever. The puppies frolic as an announcer narrates the cuteness. At the end, viewers learn how to adopt the little MVPs. Really, it doesn't get any better.

Are We Feeding Our Pets to Death?

Louis Peitzman · 02/04/12 12:46PM

Look, I love dogs and cats as much as the next guy — probably more, unless he also spends a good chunk of his day watching videos of Corgis on YouTube. But I have to marvel at the inflammatory tone of CNN's report on the U.S. pet obesity epidemic. (Be advised: this story contains sad references to pets dying young and adorable photos of Garfield-sized kitties.) The lede alone is journalistic perfection.

Dogs Need to Shut Up About Cats

Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 01:23PM

It's like hey, dogs, we get it. You hate cats. Fine. We heard you the first time and the second time and the one millionth time, with the barking. Maybe you should bark at a cat again? No, you should shut up!

You Can Help Martin Scorsese Fight Dog Breedism

Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 02:36PM

As some of us continue to lament Academy Awards snubs, Martin Scorsese has embarked on a nobler cause. The director of the Oscar-nominated Hugo feels that his film's dog, a Doberman named Blackie, was unfairly overlooked by the prestigious Golden Collar Awards. (Actually, these are the first annual Golden Collar Awards, but I treat all animal-related contests with the esteem they deserve.)

Penguin Shits on Senate Floor

Maureen O'Connor · 01/26/12 01:25PM

It was Joe Biden in a tuxedo. Kidding! It was an African blackfooted penguin, and it was hanging out at the Kentucky State Senate during a vote about the local aquarium it calls home. Senate President David Williams reported interrupted a colleague's speech to announce, "The penguin... just defecated on the floor."

Damn, This Is One Tiny Frog

Max Read · 01/12/12 09:45AM

Check out this frog. That is one small frog, huh? On a dime, all, daaaamn, what is this enormous metal disk I am on in his tiny high-pitched frog voice. The scientists who discovered this guy couldn't even hear his tiny voice. "It was particularly difficult to locate Paedophryne amauensis," says frog-discover Chris Austin of Louisiana State University, "due to its diminutive size and the males' high pitched insect-like mating call." I bet, man. This frog, Paedophryne amauensis, is 7.7 millimeters long and it is literally the tiniest veterbrate known to human beings. He's all, whatever, though. [Discovery; image via LSU]

Chinese Billionaire Killed by Poisoned Cat Meat Stew

Seth Abramovitch · 01/04/12 10:08PM

A billionaire tycoon from China named Long Liyuan died suddenly and mysteriously two days before Christmas. The only clue: a still-steaming bowl of half-eaten cat stew. Could it be? No, it's simply too easy, too dastardly, altogether too meowtrageous! But it's true: The cat stew was poisoned!

Pigeons, Like Monkeys, Are Better at Math Than You

Max Read · 12/23/11 09:45AM

Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that birds, of all animals, are not to be trusted. Have you seen a bird, recently, doing its little bird things (pecking?), acting as though its brain is the size of a Sno-Cap? Well, guess what: birds can do math. Higher math.

Mark Zuckerberg Shows Off the Bison He Shot

Ryan Tate · 12/19/11 06:39PM

Mark Zuckerberg, who personally kills all his food, is ominously proud of his escalating slaughters. Here's the bison he recently shot and devoured, mounted at Facebook headquarters as a "prank" on a less predatory executive.

Will Science Survive Without Killing Monkeys?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/11 04:09PM

Chimp research! Bird safety! Nemo extinction! Raptor claws! Rat acid! Alkali oceans! Lemur meat! Dolphin jetpack! And real talk words of wisdom about our current chemistry debates! It's your Thursday Science Watch, where we watch science—with compassion!

The Mayor of San Juan Wishes You a Very Predatory Christmas

Seth Abramovitch · 12/14/11 01:14PM

If you're wondering why the Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, chose for his annual Christmas card to pose his family next to a leopard slaughtering a gazelle, you are not alone. There are several theories floating about: The official line is that Jorge Santini wanted to promote the San Juan Wildlife Museum and its breathtaking taxidermy displays to rival anything in the Caribbean. (There are two alternate cards, one involving penguins, the other a bear and wild turkey.) A second theory is that Santini is sending a not-so-veiled message to his political rivals in anticipation of this upcoming election year. But we're going to throw a third theory out there: The twisted little girl on the lower left is just into extreme Nativity Scenes. Run, Baby Jesus, run! [Daily Mail]