
Mysterious Flying Creature Grounds Flight

Brian Moylan · 08/09/11 01:09PM

It wouldn't be August without a monster attack, so we're going to try to invent one. Just what is this flying beast attacking passengers on a flight from Madison, Wisconsin, to Atlanta? No one knows!

Maintenance Worker Gets Sucked Into Airplane Engine

Jeff Neumann · 08/08/11 06:46AM

Think of a truly horrible way to die, and then think about this: A 51-year-old airplane maintenance worker in New Zealand was performing "a very routine procedure" on a a C-130 Hercules when he was sucked into the engine and killed. The propellers were not attached and the engine was on a stand at the time. The man, Miles Hunter, worked for a subsidiary of Air New Zealand, according to ONE News.

Brooklyn Man Kicked off Airplane for Swearing

Maureen O'Connor · 06/13/11 01:40PM

Sitting in an airplane on a tarmac in Detroit, lifelong Brooklynite Robert Sayegh turned to his seatmate and said, "What's taking so fucking long to close the overheard compartments?" Shortly thereafter, the pilot turned the airplane around. Police removed Sayegh from the plane for being "disruptive."

Half-Hour Brawl Breaks Out on British Airplane

Brian Moylan · 06/10/11 02:33PM

A 12-person fight broke out at 30,000 feet on a Virgin flight from England headed to Barbados. It had to be broken up by crew and other passengers. But what got the whole thing started?

Your Cell Phone Actually Might Make Your Plane Crash

Adrian Chen · 06/09/11 05:23PM

Everyone knows that if you use your cell phone while flying, your plane automatically crashes into the ocean. Just common sense. Now a leaked report from the International Air Transport Association confirms it.

See a Plane Get Struck by Lightning

Max Read · 05/11/11 08:39PM

This video of an Emirates flight getting hit by huge tendrils of lightning on its way in to land at Heathrow Airport was taken last month, so it's a bit too early to add to our list of this week's scary airplane "incidents." (Also, no one aboard was hurt, and the jet landed "with not even a scratch.") Even so, it makes us glad that you fly on the inside of a plane, and not standing on top. Update: The video has been taken down, but you can see it here. [via Daily Mail]

Senator's Airplane Joyride Nearly Kills a Bunch of People

Jim Newell · 04/13/11 02:06PM

Delirious old coot Sen. Jim Inhofe has a flying license! Who knew? What's even more amazing is that he was able to keep this license after choosing to land his Cessna on a closed runway last year, even though there were "men and equipment on the runway," over whom he "sky hopped" after the first touch down. Wow. And yet, so in-character for Jim Inhofe! It's pathetic that this doesn't even surprise us.

Flying Southwest Airlines Isn't Such a Good Idea

Jeff Neumann · 04/04/11 04:31AM

It's tempting to fly Southwest Airlines these days to avoid being totally extorted by the bigger carriers, even if you have to endure seven layovers between New York and Chicago. But by now you've probably heard about the Southwest flight that had to make an emergency landing after the roof literally tore open last week. Scary, sure. But that's not necessarily cause to avoid flying Southwest altogether, right? Well, yesterday three more Southwest planes were found to have cracks similar to the five-footer from last week.

A $240,000 Airplane Lavatory Heist

Adrian Chen · 03/06/11 06:17PM

OK, it's still a crime. But can we say the guy who stole almost $250,000 from an airplane's hold by crawling through the bathroom earned, maybe, $100,000 of it?