
Rick Santorum Amazed That Black People Can Be Pro-Choice

Jim Newell · 01/20/11 12:13PM

Remember Rick Santorum, former top social conservative senator from Pennsylvania? Well, he's probably running for president. And he just can't stand Barack Obama's position on abortion, which is "almost remarkable for a black man" to have.

Don't Invite This Congressman to Your Kid's Elementary School

Jim Newell · 01/03/11 12:49PM

King apparently asks this difficult adult question to students K-12, just in case any of those five-year-olds are considering baby murder anytime soon. And if one of them responds with the typical psychobabble about "trimesters," he compares abortion to the similarly sunny issue of school shootings:

Vote on Whether This Couple Gets an Abortion

Adrian Chen · 11/18/10 01:46AM

The Arnolds are having a baby. Unless the public votes to have the child aborted. Meet the couple behind Birthornot.com, where "you can vote and choose whether we abort or keep our unborn child."

Mom's Miscarried Fetus Made George W. Bush Pro-Life

Jim Newell · 11/08/10 01:36PM

What experience made you all pro-life? For beloved former President George W. Bush, it was that time his mama had a miscarriage and showed him the jarred fetus. From then on, Bush knew that he must protect America's fetuses, forever.

Watch a Man Confront the Anti-Abortion Protesters Who'd Accosted His Wife

Matt Cherette · 10/25/10 01:01PM

Aaron Gouveia and his wife recently visited a Massachusetts clinic to abort their unborn baby, who had a congenital deformity/no chance of survival. While there, they were accosted by anti-abortion protesters. Gouveia then turned the tables on them. Watch inside.

Smiling Fetus Joins Abortion Debate

Maureen O'Connor · 10/11/10 03:06PM

The abortion debate has devolved to the zygote version of a LOLCat. A lady got an ultrasound, and her unborn child looked like it was smiling. Thus, "a baby can experience feelings such as happiness" earlier than previously thought.

Laura Bush: Homo-Loving Abortionist

Richard Lawson · 05/12/10 10:12AM

Former First Lady Laura "American Wife" Bush was promoting her book on Larry King's basement radio program last night and confessed to supporting choice and, sheepishly, gay marriage. She disagreed with George on these points, but they never fought. Aw.

The Campaign Against the Phrase 'Pro Life'

Ravi Somaiya · 12/24/09 08:10AM

The abortion issue will probably be at the center of attempts to finalize and sign the healthcare bill, if Senators like Ben Nelson are involved. People will be bandying the phrase 'pro-life' around to refer to anti-abortionists. They should stop.