Wow, just a really awful metaphor choice here from insane crazy person Sharron Angle, Harry Reid's Senate opponent. She believes girls raped by their fathers shouldn't be able to have abortions; instead, they should turn "lemon situation[s] into lemonade."

Angle, a Tea Party favorite who won her Nevada Republican primary last month and promptly refused to talk to any reporters for weeks, because she was an insane crazy person, still found a way to make about 20 "gaffes" (times when she says exactly what she thinks) a day nevertheless. One might call these extractions the work of reporters "turning lemons into lemonade." That would be a situation where you'd use this popular metaphor. For Sharron Angle, this would be another situation:

Stock: What do you say then to a young girl, I am going to place it as he said it, when a young girl is raped by her father, let's say, and she is pregnant. How do you explain this to her in terms of wanting her to go through the process of having the baby?

Angle: I think that two wrongs don't make a right. And I have been in the situation of counseling young girls, not 13 but 15, who have had very at risk, difficult pregnancies. And my counsel was to look for some alternatives, which they did. And they found that they had made what was really a lemon situation into lemonade.


It is actually more ideologically consistent for strictly pro-life people to not leave out exceptions for rape or situations where the mother's life is at risk. If you see abortion as the murder of a human life, then you should not feel compelled to make politically appealing make cop-outs! But you should also not try to spin these things into positives, either, because they're really hellishly bad.