What experience made you all pro-life? For beloved former President George W. Bush, it was that time his mama had a miscarriage and showed him the jarred fetus. From then on, Bush knew that he must protect America's fetuses, forever.

Bush's big primetime, memoir-plugging interview with Matt Lauer airs tonight at 8, and it's going to be excellent. Most of us have missed the ol' multiple-war-starter since he returned to Texas to play with dog poop. What American leader since has championed the redemptive power of dancing? None.

Anyway, here's one revelation George W. Bush shares with Matt Lauer, about mother Babs and her jarred fetus:

George W. Bush's pro-life stance solidified when he was a teenager in Texas — after his mother suffered a devastating miscarriage and showed him the fetus in a jar, the former president said in an extraordinary interview that airs tonight.

"She said to her teenage kid, 'Here's the fetus,' " the shockingly candid Bush told NBC's Matt Lauer, gesturing as if he were holding the jar during the TV chat, a DVD of which The Post exclusively obtained.

"There's no question that affected me, a philosophy that we should respect life," said the former president, who had to drive his distraught mother to the hospital at the time.

"I never expected to see the remains of the fetus, which she had saved in a jar to bring to the hospital," Bush writes in his new book, "Decision Points," in an excerpt Lauer read during the interview.

Bush adds that the real purpose of sharing this story was "to show how my mom and I developed a relationship." A chilling, morbid relationship of visceral fear and horror, common among blue-bloods. But don't worry! Even though we've shared the "fetus-in-a-jar" part, there should be plenty of other shocking tales for your wonder during tonight's special, George W. Bush: So... That Happened.

[Image via AP]