
Doonesbury Calls Abortion Law "Rape"

Louis Peitzman · 03/11/12 01:08PM

Political comic strip Doonesbury will debut an abortion storyline next week, with a particular focus on the Texas law requiring pregnant women to receive a transvaginal ultrasound and then wait 24 hours before having an abortion.

Super Bowl Viewers May Not Be Treated To Images of Dead Fetuses During Game

Nell Jensen · 01/30/12 07:25PM

Long shot write-in Democratic presidential candidate and generally disliked media whore Randall Terry's bizarre quest to win supporters for his extreme anti-abortion agenda by assailing millions of Super Bowl viewers with a campaign commercial full of images of dead fetuses is not surprisingly meeting with oh, just a bit of resistance from at least one TV station in Chicago. While FCC rules dictate that local stations are required to air whatever insanity a federal candidate is willing to put in campaign ad form for 45 days leading up to a primary election, Chicago's NBC affiliate is trying to get around the requirement that it run Terry's commercial with the correct argument that the rules should not apply in this case since he is not, you know, an actual candidate.

Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?

Max Read · 01/25/12 06:12PM

Last week, Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey introduced a bill that would ban "the manufacture or sale of food or products which use aborted human fetuses." But which foods or products use aborted human fetuses? Let's investigate.

Private Clinics Given Right to Advertise Abortions on British TV

Bobby Finger · 01/21/12 12:58PM

It was announced Friday that private clinics in Britain would be allowed to advertise their planning services, including abortion, on British television starting April 30. It's a right that, until yesterday, had existed only for non-profit clinics.

Rick Perry Hates Abortion More Than Ever, After Watching a Movie

Jim Newell · 12/28/11 12:37PM

Rick Perry is still trying to convince Iowa voters that he's the most socially conservative candidate this godforsaken planet has ever seen, in his last ditch-attempt to get anyone to vote for him. We all remember when he was like, why are gays in the military when something something children Christmas Jesus? Then he pounced on his wife, putting her in her place. And now he's announcing that he's upgraded his anti-abortion club membership, after watching a movie about ladies.

Stephen Colbert: 'Siri Is Clearly an Arch-Conservative Woman'

Matt Cherette · 12/01/11 12:50AM

When Apple announced the iPhone 4S, its most anticipated feature was a female robot-voiced intelligent personal assistant application named Siri. But Siri's introduction to the world wasn't seamless! After being accused of ignoring people who speak English with a foreign accent shortly after the phone's release, this week Siri was exposed as a pro-life zealot who refuses to tell you where you can get an abortion.

Mississippi Votes Against Amendment Defining a Person as a Zygote

Seth Abramovitch · 11/09/11 03:29AM

The "personhood" movement is a grassroots campaign in Mississippi that sought to pass a constitutional amendment defining a person as a "fertilized egg," thereby giving uni-celled beings a slew of valuable new rights that would make their elimination, via morning-after pill or what have you, tantamount to murder in the first degree.

Herman Cain Somehow Makes His Abortion Stance More Confusing

Jim Newell · 10/21/11 04:35PM

Herman Cain is incredibly pro-life and doesn't personally believe that it should be allowed in special cases like rape or incest. And yet his attempts to soften the edges of this rigid position are creating, for him, a miserable self-induced error that Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are loving. Cain makes it worse each time he brings it up! What dumb new "tweak" did he unveil today?

Rachel Maddow Explains Birth Control to Mitt Romney

Matt Cherette · 10/21/11 02:42AM

In a recent Huckabee appearance, Mitt Romney said he'd "absolutely" support a constitutional amendment defining conception as the beginning of life. In addition to outlawing abortion, such an amendment could ban many forms of birth control, a fact Romney was seemingly unaware of when pressed on his position during a campaign event on Thursday. So tonight, armed with beer and female anatomy diagrams, Rachel Maddow invited Romney to her "Man Cave" for a crash course in how babies are made.

No, Herman Cain Is Not Pro-Choice

Jim Newell · 10/20/11 03:27PM

Things keep getting better and better for Herman Cain, whose latest feat is winning today's Outrage of the Day contest! His poorly worded comments about abortion on Piers Morgan last night have led many to believe that he is actually pro-choice! Well, he's not. He just sucks at speaking.

There's a Pretty Decent Chance Your Meds Are Killing You Somehow

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/11 04:08PM

Abortion bans! Mouse hemophilia! Diabetes growth! Botox alternative! HIV testing! Undercover patients! Drug warnings! Weight loss! And having AIDS just got a little harder! It's your Monday Health Watch, where we watch your health—dangerously!