
Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/13 03:04PM

North Dakota legislators want to ban abortions after as little as six weeks of pregnancy.

Texas' Charity Anti-Abortion License Plates Benefit Exactly Zero Charities

Robert Kessler · 01/26/13 05:30PM

In May of 2011, Texas approved the sale of those charming "Choose Life" license plates, featuring precocious, blue-haired crayon kids. Fork $30 over and everyone on the Mixmaster (the best-named highway interchange ever) knows where you stand on abortion. Of that, $22 go to "qualified organizations who provide counseling and material assistance to pregnant women who are considering placing their children for adoption," according to Texas' Vehicle Title and Registration Services.

The Only Abortion Clinic in Mississippi Missed State Compliance Deadline, May Face Closure

Mallory Ortberg · 01/12/13 04:11PM

The only abortion clinic in the state of Mississippi came one step closer to closure today. Last year, the state passed an ordinance requiring all of the doctors working at the Jackson Women's Health Organization to have hospital admission privileges in order to continue operating. The deadline to comply with the order came earlier this week; only one of the four doctors currently employed at the clinic has admitting privileges.

Fact-Checking the 'Slut Vote' with the Christian Men's Defense Network

Mallory Ortberg · 11/07/12 10:39PM

Noted bloggist B-Skillet over at the Christian Men's Defense Network has taken a few moments away from guarding the perimeter of the last flagging Christian outpost from the Yuuzhan Vong invasion to explain exactly how Mitt Romney (apparently some kind of erstwhile candidate for political office) could have lost. B-Skillet blames "the Slut Vote" (Skillet has since put his WordPress on private; you can see Google's cache here):

A Recent History of Republicans Talking About Rape

Max Read · 08/29/12 02:15PM

What a month it's been for Republicans and rape. Since Missouri senate candidate Todd Akin — at the time leading the polls by a wide margin — told a journalist that in the case of "legitimate rape, the female body has ways" to prevent pregnancy, prominent Republicans haven't been able to avoid putting their rapey feet in their moist, sex-obsessed mouths. Here's a recent history of Republicans on rape.

Dear Todd Akin, Your/Your're a Moron

Max Read · 08/21/12 05:03PM

Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin, the Republican Senate candidate who believes uteri have a rape exception, has launched a "Still Standing" website asking supporters to sign a petition. Actually, he's launched it three times, because whoever is writing his websites for him doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're."

A Mighty Fortress Is Todd Akin's Vagina

Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/20/12 03:40PM

It's probably a little unfair to blast Todd Akin (R-Missouri) for his belief in uterine magic, since his entire worldview hinges on a poor Nazarene woman practicing that art over 2000 years ago. Then again, the Archangel Gabriel didn't deliver the Annunciation by sticking a flaming foot in his trumpet, so there's that.

Tennessee Bill Could Put Abortion Doctors at Risk

Louis Peitzman · 03/19/12 08:06PM

There's a new bill in the Tennessee House of Representatives, and its seemingly innocuous name is rather misleading. The "Life Defense Act of 2012" (H.B. 3308) would require the Tennessee Department of Health to publish way more information on abortions and on the doctors that provide them.

October Baby: Hannah the Abortion Survivor

Leah Beckmann · 03/12/12 11:50AM

Here is a trailer for October Baby, a movie about a woman who survived her own abortion. Hahaha. Yep. So take a good look at that pretty face of her's, because it was a face that almost wasn't. Luckily, tenacious fetus that she was, Hannah managed to maintain her grip on her devil mother's uterus and give herself life. This her journey.