Does Wendy's use aborted human fetuses in its food? When we conducted our groundbreaking investigation into the issue last week, we were forced to put the fast food company in the "possibly contains fetuses" category when our queries didn't receive a response. But now our our noble and relentless quest for the truth has paid off.

Wendy's communications director Kitty Munger has responded to our ongoing search for the real facts (inspired by Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey's bill banning the use of aborted human fetuses in food) with a statement strenuously denying the use of aborted human fetuses in food, reproduced below:

Max –

We'd like to correct the mention of Wendy's on gawker, relative to the issue of human fetuses.

The answer is absolutely no. Wendy's does not use aborted human fetuses in its food.

If you'd make this change on the site, we'd appreciate it. Any questions, please let me know.

Thank you.


No fear, Kitty: we've updated the post to indicate that Wendy's does not use aborted human fetuses in its food. (We note that Munger does not deny using unaborted human fetuses or aborted nonhuman fetuses in her note, but that's outside the scope of our investigation.)


Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?