Here Are All the Controversial Doonesbury Abortion Strips Your Local Paper's Not Running (UPDATE)

Garry Trudeau, creator of the wonderful Doonesbury comic strip, caused some controversy this week when he opted for a storyline based on the recent trend of dildonic ultrasound abortion bills. A number of papers opted out of running the strip this week due to its content; some, such as the Poughkeepsie Journal, chose to make it available online.
Here's the storyline in full. Kudos to Trudeau, who said that overlooking the topic would have amounted to "comedy malpractice," for not shying away from the issue. In the slightest.
[PDF via Poughkeepsie Journal. Click to enlarge.]
UPDATE: We initially published the complete comics from the week, but it seems to have been an accidental leak on the Journal's part, as the page is now down. We've edited the top graphic to include only the first two strips; we'll update with the complete storyline once they've run.