
Taylor Berman · 07/09/13 11:02PM

Two weeks after State Senator Wendy Davis' 13-hour filibuster, the Texas House of Representatives provisionally approved an anti-abortion bill that many consider to be the most restrictive in the country. The vote will be finalized Wednesday, and then the measure will move to the Texas State Senate.

Cord Jefferson · 07/02/13 02:35PM

Irish lawmakers today voted overwhelmingly in support of a bill that would clearly allow abortions to save the mother's life, but only in those instances. The Texas GOP looked on with a great and furious envy.

Internet Catches Texas Senate Altering Timestamp on Abortion Bill Vote

Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/26/13 08:24AM

After a half-day filibuster that was controversially halted by Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Republicans in the Texas Senate scrambled to quickly pass the equally controversial abortion bill SB5, but were halted themselves by two hours of motions and parliamentary inquiries from Democrats trying to run out the clock on Gov. Rick Perry's special session.

The Texas Filibuster May Be Over But No One Knows (UPDATES)

Taylor Berman · 06/25/13 11:00PM

Shortly after 10 PM CDT, Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, in hour 11 of her historic filibuster to prevent an anti-abortion bill from passing, received her third point of order or warning, effectively meaning that the filibuster was over. Except it wasn't. The crowd erupted in protest and Senators have spent the past 40 minutes or so debating whether the point of order violated the Senate's rules. Watch live below:

Cord Jefferson · 06/18/13 11:36AM

The House of Representatives is today expected to pass a bill that would cut off legal abortions in America 20 weeks after fertilization. The bill likely has no chance of advancing through the Senate, but ThinkProgress reports that this kind of legislation is succeeding on the state level in places around the country.

Texas Congressman Asks You to Imagine a Fetus Shooting a Gun in the Womb

Cord Jefferson · 04/12/13 07:18PM

Is there any way to understand this latest bit of schwag (pictured below) from Texas Congressman Steve Stockman other than to think he'd like to see armed fetuses shooting their way out of the wombs of pregnant women who are considering having abortions? Zygotes threatening their mothers with guns—what a grisly and horrifying thought, not to mention stupid considering that a fetus can't aim for shit. But very funny, apparently, to Steve Stockman, who wants you to know you can have one of these bumper stickers all for yourself if you donate just $10 to his 2014 reelection campaign.

Leah Beckmann · 03/26/13 11:58AM

The passage of a new "6-week ban" makes North Dakota the nation's most restrictive state on abortion rights. Congrats.

North Dakota Inching Ever Closer to Being First State to Enact Personhood Abortion Law

Cord Jefferson · 03/22/13 03:52PM

The North Dakota House passed a bill this afternoon that would define life as beginning at conception, effectively moving one step closer to banning all abortion in the state without exception for rape or incest. Approved by the state Senate last month, the bill will now go to voters as a ballot initiative. This latest restrictive measure comes only a week after North Dakota legislators approved bills that would ban abortion beyond six weeks into pregnancy and ban abortion in the case of genetic abnormality, like Downs Syndrome.