
Legislators Ban Young Impressionable Interns During Abortion Debate

Adam Weinstein · 04/10/14 08:52AM

During discussion of controversial issues on abortion and fetuses Wednesday, Republican leaders of Florida's Legislature sent all of the House's teenage pages out of the chamber, and they weren't allowed back in until debate opened on the next issue: guns.

What It's Like To Get an Abortion in a Country Where It's Illegal

Rich Juzwiak · 02/13/14 05:10PM

The focus of this week's episode of the U.K.'s Secrets of South America was Argentina (last week's, featuring the clip of the beauty queen with mesh sewn to her tongue, was Venezuela). The show, a sort of modern imagining of the Prosperi/Jacopetti Mondo movies as hosted by a perky cross between Alexa Chung and Fiona Apple (Billie JD Porter), focused on the seeming contradiction between a society so liberal about sex (Argentina was, for example, the first Latin American country to legalize gay marriage) yet guided by the Catholic church.

In Obama's America, Women Finally Stop Aborting Their Babies

Ken Layne · 02/03/14 12:38PM

Good news for fetuses: the rate of U.S. abortions have hit a new low under President Obama. Not since the legalization of abortion during the Nixon Administration in 1973 has the abortion rate been so low, at just 16.9 abortions per 1,000 pregnancies.

North Carolina Judge Strikes Down Invasive Abortion Law

Jordan Sargent · 01/18/14 11:48AM

Late on Friday, a federal judge ruled that a North Carolina law requiring women to have an ultrasound and have the image described to them by a doctor before undergoing an abortion is unconstitutional.

Justin Charity · 01/13/14 11:30PM

Pope Francis, addressing diplomats in the Vatican's annual "State of the World" remarks, denounced abortion as "horrific," "frightful," and "a symptom of throwaway culture." BBC News speculates that conservative clergy in Rome had been clamoring behind the scenes for such a condemnation since Pope Francis' election in March.

Lacey Donohue · 10/31/13 09:12PM

A federal appeals court in New Orleans has reinstated a key part of Texas’ oppressive new abortion law, only days after a federal court in Texas struck down the same provision. Abortion-performing doctors will now be required to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinic, a rule that will lead to 12 clinic closures.

Rand Paul Ripped His Crazy Abortion Speech from Wikipedia

Sarah Hedgecock · 10/30/13 11:12AM

In a recent speech, Senator Rand Paul alleged that abortion rights in Virginia will lead to eugenics. But the exaggeration and hysteria of his claim weren't the speech's biggest problems: turns out, it was lifted straight from Wikipedia.

Rick Perry Says His Wife Misspoke When She Said Abortion Is a Right

Cord Jefferson · 10/01/13 05:43PM

Texas Governor Rick Perry, the product yielded if you mix a can of hairspray with an old leather trench coat, is telling reporters that his wife used "the wrong word" when she said recently that she believes abortion is a right. Ha ha ha. That crazy woman. Thank goodness her husband is here to set things straight.

Taylor Berman · 09/20/13 01:17PM

Lest anyone think he’s too cool after yesterday’s historic interview, Cool Pope Francis denounced abortion today as a symptom of “throw-away culture” and encouraged Catholic doctors not to perform them.

New "Nice Pope" Spends Workday Calling Sad People

Ken Layne · 09/06/13 12:16PM

It was fun having a Nazi supervillain as pope, but it wasn't very good for the Catholic Church brand. The new pope, Francis, is working hard at giving the papacy a nicer public image. If you're bummed out about a relationship, for example, he'll call you and talk you through it.