
'Sexually Gay But Ethnically Straight': Nate Silver (Almost) Gets It Right Again

Rich Juzwiak · 12/18/12 02:15PM

Out has named Nate Silver its Person of the Year, and the resulting profile by editor Aaron Hicklin is an endearing portrait of a dude who is doing well at life by being so right all the time. There's great stuff about the making of the man and his dealings with those who try to undo him. He says flattering things about Nick Denton ("He's willing to be kind of destructive and path-breaking, and to challenge the status quo; in some ways, it's kind of more my style"); Denton barely returns the favor ("He's not necessarily the best statistician, but he might be the best stats geek who can also write—and perform on television. His steadiness under pundit fire before the election was something to witness."). Heh.

Gawker Welcomes the Guardian Staff to Soho

Brian Moylan · 11/17/11 01:14PM

Last night Gawker founder Nick Denton hosted a little soiree at his Soho pad to welcome the American staff of the Guardian who recently moved their office to the neighborhood. And what is a party without a photo booth and a few boldfaced media names? We didn't save you any tea sandwiches, but you can at least enjoy the pictures.

Amy Winehouse's Boobs Are Leaking

Maureen O'Connor · 11/20/09 05:23AM

Mitch Winehouse offers charming new details about his daughter's breasts; Adam Lambert fires back at Out magazine's editor; Miley Cyrus literally dresses like a whore. Friday's gossip is losing its sense of irony, but makes up for it with cleavage.

Is Adam Lambert Not Gay Enough for the Gays?

Brian Moylan · 11/17/09 02:07PM

Adam Lambert has the difficult task of becoming a megastar while being openly gay. How can he be butch enough for the mainstream but gay enough for his homo fans? He can't, and the gays are fighting back already.

The Suckiest Job In Gay Media

Nick Denton · 01/30/08 05:52PM

Aaron Hicklin, former editor of Black Book, had a perfectly rewarding job at Out Magazine. He had made the gay magazine relevant with smart covers, such as the one asking why Anderson Cooper and Jodie Foster didn't just come out of the closet, already. The success of Out has propelled the Brit into a grander role, as editorial director of other Planet Out magazines, such as The Advocate, as well as websites such as Gay.com. Yuck. Instead of jetting down to Brazil on fashion shoots with hot models, Hicklin will now have to close down The Advocate, a magazine that chronicled gay liberation but is now scarily thin. The ancient magazine struggles even to attract advertising for HIV medications. And Gay.com is a hookup site giving up ground to newer competitors such as Manhunt. Not much scope there for Hicklin's editorial flair.

The Political Is Extremely Impersonal At 'Radar'

Joshua Stein · 10/18/07 02:39PM

Last night Radar, which is a magazine, threw a party at Goldbar for its new Politics issue. Outside, someone said that if Goldbar disappeared at that moment from the face of the earth, no one in New York would be offended. But there were free drinks, gold plated skulls, a slew of enemies and a couple of friends and a few awkward situations. Nikola Tamindzic was there to capture the gilded glory of it all.

Queen Bees Stinging Mad Over Compound Adjectives

Choire · 09/17/07 08:30AM

In one of the odder contretemps of our time, New York Times perfume critic Chandler Burr has gone off on gossip sheet Page Six over their description of Out magazine as a "gay-lifestyle mag." Says Burr: "'gay lifestyle' is a purely political term with a purely political meaning, and it's simply, factually inaccurate." We're siding with him on this: Out is obviously a "gay lifestyle magazine" but it is not a "gay-lifestyle magazine." We find Burr's understanding of hyphenation and compound adjectives rather unspeakably hot, and now we would very much like him to criticize our perfumes, if you know what we mean, wink wink. But more importantly: Is the "gay lifestyle mag" in trouble? Its ad pages are looking rough.

'Out' Magazine's Hot List

Joshua Stein · 06/15/07 10:36AM

Out editor Aaron Hicklin invited the gays to celebrate the mag's June issue Hot List last night at the West Village seamen hang-out Anchor Bar. Since we're more N+Butt type of guys, we thought the list was of the 100 hottest gays—but in reality it catalogs hot gay things like gastropubs (#13) and sandwiches (#5). Of course it didn't really matter to us. We were only interested in one particular gay: The gay that pays our rent, Nick Denton. Video by Richard Blakelely.

Get Yer New 'Out,' Much Like the Old 'Out'

Jesse · 06/07/06 11:25AM

Our boss as just sent us the cover image for the July 2006 Out, the first from new editor Aaron Hicklin, the BlackBook vet. We can't say we find it particularly interesting or exciting, but bossman is buds with Hicklin and so we figured we might as well throw him a bone. And, actually, we ought to give Hicklin some credit. It's nice to see Out's cover-model tradition — a straight actor who happens to be playing a gay (in this case, bi) role — has remained intact. Excellent work.

New 'BlackBook' Chief: Steve Garbarino?

Jesse · 05/11/06 05:20PM

Today's juicy magland rumor? Allegedly Steve Garbarino, the gossipeuse associated at various times with such glossy journals as Vanity Fair and Page Six: The Magazine, is telling folks he has been offered the editorship of BlackBook, which is vacant due to Aaron Hicklin's move to Out. We're reasonably sure it's true he's telling people this; we have no idea if he's telling people the truth. Anyone know?

Hicklin Abandons 'BlackBook' for 'Out'

Jesse · 04/10/06 11:28AM

Jossip has news this morning that BlackBook editor Aaron Hicklin is leaving the glossy arbiter of downtown hip to take over Out, the glossy arbiter of what straight actors are playing a gay role and willing to be on the cover. No word yet on succession plans at BlackBook — we hear the mag's staff only learned of Hicklin's impending departure over the weekend — nor on what plans Hicklin has for Out. But at the very least, we hope he'll be able to find himself a perhaps-apocryphal closeted baseball star to call his own.