Got Trump's Video of "Thousands and Thousands" of New Jersey Residents Cheering on 9/11? We'll Pay For It

Ashley Feinberg · 11/23/15 05:38PM

On two separate occasions this weekend, increasingly less-crypto crypto-fascist Donald Trump made reference to a video of thousands of Arab-Americans in Jersey City, New Jersey cheering as the Twin Towers fell on 9/11. Thus far, absolutely no one has been able to verify this claim, most likely because the video never actually existed in the first place. But on the infinitesimally small chance it is out there and you’ve got it—we want to see it and we’re willing to pay.

Hillary Clinton Explains Why Wall Street Loves Her: 9/11

Alex Pareene · 11/14/15 11:18PM

It is a fact that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, like her previous political campaigns, is funded in large part by donations from the finance industry. Bernie Sanders has criticized her for this—or, at least, he has pointed this out, critically. At tonight’s inconveniently scheduled Democratic debate on CBS, Sanders was asked to reiterate that criticism. Clinton’s response was, well, memorable.

Don't Ever Call the Cops on Yourself, Even When You're High as Shit

Andy Cush · 10/06/15 05:04PM

I think my teddy bear knows I’m high. Do I stink? I think I stink. There’s something really foreboding about the shape of that telephone. I bet it was made in a bad factory. God, I’m a fraid. Maybe if I just put on Planet Earth, I’ll feel better. A fraid? Unless it’s the episode with the fish. Afraid. God, I’m so afraid. Maybe I should call the cops.

New Book Says U.S. Government Planned Fake Hijacking for 9/11 Publicity

Sam Biddle · 09/18/15 02:23PM

In his impressive new book Relentless Strike, author Sean Naylor chronicles the sprawling history of the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, America’s special forces killing apparatus. It’s filled with anecdotes of both bravery and waste, but one in particular stands out: In the aftermath of 9/11, the Pentagon considered staging an airline hijacking to fool us into feeling safer.

Comedian Survived 9/11 From Much Greater Distance Than Previously Claimed

Jay Hathaway · 09/16/15 10:00AM

Sometimes we’re confronted with difficult truths about our heroes, America. And sometimes we’re blessed with incredible stories. On days like today—both. The New York Times reports that one of the stars of FXX comedy The League has been lying for years about juuust barely escaping the World Trade Center after the attacks on September 11. He was in Midtown, as it turns out.

Afghan Intelligence: Taliban Leader Mullah Omar Died Two Years Ago

Ashley Feinberg · 07/29/15 11:53AM

According to Afghanistan’s main intelligence agency, Mullah Mohammad Omar, the Talibans’ spiritual leader turned “secretive head” and lead insurgent after the September 11 attacks, died over two years ago. And as of right now, it’s unclear exactly why it’s taken so long to report the death of the former Bin Laden confidant.

An Austrian Baker Did 9/11 (as a Cake)

Jay Hathaway · 05/01/15 01:10PM

This 9/11 cake was created by Austrian baker Thomas Kienbauer as a metaphor for the current state of Vienna politics. In this metaphor, the Twin Towers of cake represent the ruling coalition Kienbaeur opposes, and the planes represent various fringe parties he apparently supports. (It is not a very good metaphor.)