A video of high school cheerleaders performing a routine commemorating the 14th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 terror attacks, uploaded to Facebook on Friday, has been viewed almost 19 million times, BuzzFeed News reports.

The routine, performed by students at Lumberton High School, in Texas, is set to audio of reports from that day, including statements made by President George W. Bush, and music inspired by the day’s events.

“It means so much to coach the type of girls who can make such an impact on so many American lives,” the cheer squad’s coach, Lauren Sheffield, wrote on Facebook, according to BuzzFeed.

This is, apparently, something of a tradition at LHS: videos of similar routines were uploaded to YouTube in 2010 and 2011.

The video uploaded to Facebook was posted by Crystalynn Petoskey, a student at LHS. Petoskey also uploaded a different version to YouTube, in the comments of which she addressed her haters:

Everybody that is saying that this is, well, basically a disaster, I don’t care what you all say. Others like it, others don’t. I respect your opinions. But while my video is getting over 1K on here, it’s getting over 8,000,000 views on Facebook and getting reposted all from Alaska to Florida, all the way up to New York, and this was taken in Texas! 100.5 MYfm and KBMT - 12 have also recognized and reposted my vid. My face is being shown all over American, and perhaps will also be shown all over to Japan soon. So anybody that has something bad to say, Fuck You All, I’m going viral.

God bless the Internet, and God bless America.

Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.