Obama's Plan to Become Washington's 'Last Reasonable Man'

Jim Newell · 12/07/10 05:02PM

Barack Obama gave a definitive press conference this afternoon — excoriating Republican "hostage takers" and "sanctimonious" Democrats alike, and outlining a clear strategy for centrism. And he kicked it off by getting angry.

Early 2012 Presidential Polls, State by State

Jim Newell · 11/16/10 05:23PM

Four Republicans have emerged as the clear early (err, very early) frontrunners in the 2012 Republican presidential primary, according to a recently concluded series of Public Policy Polling (D) surveys. The favorite of the bunch? Not so clear.

Are Republicans Finally Dumping Michael Steele?

Jim Newell · 11/10/10 12:10PM

Since being elected as Republican National Committee chairman almost two years ago, Michael Steele has survived constant calls for his resignation, only to preside over historic GOP congressional wins. His reward? Probably losing his job.

GOP Establishment Might as Well Start Destroying Sarah Palin Now

Jim Newell · 11/01/10 01:14PM

Sarah Palin has done wonders for Republican fundraising and enthusiasm in this low-turnout, base-determined midterm election. She's helpful, now, so the party won't dare criticize her. But that'll end! Because party leaders don't want her anywhere near their presidential nomination.