Obama's Chinese Ambassador May Run Against the Boss

Jim Newell · 01/31/11 12:33PM

How would raging Tea Party Republican primary voters react to a presidential candidate who works for Barack Obama, the worst human in history? "Coldly," one might think. But Obama's ambassador to China, Republican Jon Huntsman, is going to try anyway.

Will Mike Huckabee Even Bother Running?

Jim Newell · 01/21/11 01:00PM

Congratulations to Mike Huckabee! He is, for at least the next few days, the frontrunner to take the 2012 Republican nomination for president. But does he even want to run? He has a mortgage to pay off, after all.

Giuliani 'Absolutely' May Run for President

Jim Newell · 01/21/11 12:12PM

Rudy Giuliani, New York City's mayor from like a dozen years ago, told CNBC that he's "absolutely" considering another presidential run. He explained, "It's really a question of, can I play a useful role?" No, you can't. Next candidate.

Rick Santorum Amazed That Black People Can Be Pro-Choice

Jim Newell · 01/20/11 12:13PM

Remember Rick Santorum, former top social conservative senator from Pennsylvania? Well, he's probably running for president. And he just can't stand Barack Obama's position on abortion, which is "almost remarkable for a black man" to have.

Where Are All the Presidential Candidates?

Jim Newell · 01/11/11 05:44PM

By this time in the last presidential cycles, 14 candidates had declared their presidential runs. But this year, even though there's only one party with a primary field, zero have declared. What gives? The Internet demands entertainment!

ConservaGays Scaring Away Real Conservatives?

Jim Newell · 12/28/10 05:05PM

Washington's annual Conservative Political Action Conference is always a major audition for Republican presidential candidates, who show up and tell interest groups whatever they want to hear. But in 2011, will the gays scare everyone away?

Haley Barbour Must Run for President

Jim Newell · 12/20/10 04:37PM

Mississippi Gov. Haley "Boss Hogg" Barbour is a funny guy, and he should run for president. The former Washington mega-lobbyist gives great interviews. What was it like, for example, when he saw Martin Luther King Jr. as a teenager?