Scared Man Fondles Cloth

Ashley Feinberg · 06/11/16 09:52PM

The presumptive face of the Republican Party screamed a series of loosely related words at thousands of people in Tampa earlier today, pausing only to clap quietly to himself as he embraced a large piece of colored cloth.

Tell Congress: Vote NO on David Blaine

Ashley Feinberg · 06/11/16 03:06PM

David Copperfield, the man who famously stole the Statue of Liberty in 1983 as a nation looked on in horror and disgust, wants to make a mockery of our American values yet again. David Copperfield wants Congress to officially recognize magic, the same magic that has caused both infinite hours of embarrassment and David Blaine, as “art.”

A Note From Your Editor

Alex Pareene · 06/10/16 03:16PM

Gawker Media has filed for bankruptcy, as you read on Gawker earlier today. What does that mean? For you, the reader, it means very little: We will continue to operate as usual through the Chapter 11 process. There will continue to be new stories on this website by all of your favorite Gawker writers and also Hamilton Nolan. Eventually, things might be different—for example, anthropogenic climate change will probably lead to widespread famine and endless resource wars—but for now, we’re not going anywhere. Thanks for reading.

Gawker Media Is Filing For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Will Be Put Up For Sale

J.K. Trotter · 06/10/16 02:50PM

Executives at Gawker Media told employees today that the company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel’s third-party funding of several lawsuits against the company. This plan will allow Gawker to continue functioning, but will require selling the company to another entity. The move came after the Hon. Pamela A.M. Campbell of Pinellas County, Florida denied Gawker’s request to stay the enforcement of a $50 million bond that would allow it to appeal the $140 million verdict that a 6-person jury awarded Hulk Hogan in March.

Hillary Gives Refreshing Answer On Potential VP Pick 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/10/16 01:49PM

Hillary Clinton was visibly shocked today when a reporter asked her if she’d discussed the possibility of Elizabeth Warren serving as her vice president. But once her eyes settled back inside her head, she actually gave a cold, yet refreshing answer.

Slack Down

Alex Pareene · 06/10/16 12:55PM

Slack, a group chat and instant messaging program popular in tech and digital media workplaces, appears to be having a service outage. According to the service’s status website, the Slack website and API are down, due to an unexplained “resource exhaustion.” (We can relate!) This is the worst media news of the day.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/16 11:00AM

“Bank tellers, the single largest occupation within [the retail banking] category, have a median hourly wage of $12.44.” A 2014 report found that “nearly one-third of tellers’ families” were enrolled in public assistance programs.

Nevada Senate Candidate Accidentally Owns Opponent With Link to

Andy Cush · 06/10/16 09:45AM

Sharron Angle, a Republican running for U.S. Senate in Nevada this year, put a sick and very graphic burn on her opponent, Joe Heck, in a newsletter sent to voters this month. That’s because a URL that one might think leads to Mr. Heck’s campaign site instead redirects you to a page that, as far as I can tell, has very little to do with the three-term congressman’s pro-business conservative platform.