Now We Have Seen The Epitome of Anti-Gay Hatred

Rich Juzwiak · 06/13/16 10:50AM

Before Sunday morning, the event that had the grave distinction of being the largest massacre of gay people in American history occurred June 24, 1973, at the Up Stairs Lounge in New Orleans. A fire, which a police and fire investigation eventually deemed arson, killed 32 people during a Sunday beer blast after a church service had been held in the space. The details contain gruesome stuff like bodies being melted together, as well as disgustingly sad anecdotes of love and failed heroism. Bartender Buddy Rasmussen successfully led a group of about 20 men out of a hidden fire exit onto the bar’s roof that provided safe access to the ground. Among the group was a man named George Mitchell. According to Jim Downs’s Stand By Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation:

Lobbying Is a Good Investment

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/16 09:58AM

In our American oligarchy, political influence is, broadly speaking, for sale. A new study confirms a straightforward relationship between corporate lobbying and higher profits.

Donald Trump Is a Shameless, Opportunistic Bigot

Ashley Feinberg · 06/12/16 09:06PM

Donald Trump, one of the two people most likely to become our next president, spent the day disseminating unverified information and using innocent victims’ deaths as a chance to pat himself on the back. And he’s just getting started.

Orlando Shooting Suspect’s Father Is a Former TV Show Host Who Claims to Be the President of Afghanistan

Ashley Feinberg · 06/12/16 04:54PM

While police are still working to learn more about Omar Mateen, the man who killed approximately 50 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando early this morning, The Washington Post has discovered that his father, Seddique Mateen, has a curious background of his own. Apparently, the elder Mateen once hosted a political talk show, and now, according to a number of videos posted on Facebook, claims to be the current president of Afghanistan.

Fox News Commentator Blames Orlando Shooting on Obama

Ashley Feinberg · 06/12/16 03:24PM

While Orlando police and the FBI are working to piece together what actually motivated Omar Mateen to murder 50 people and injure 53 more at a gay nightclub in Orlando this morning, Fox News has apparently already solved the puzzle. So why was Mateen able to slaughter a room full of innocent people with a deadly assault rifle? According to Fox News commentator Sebastian Gorka, it’s all thanks to President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and political correctness.

Leading Rabbis Condemn Trump’s Anti-Muslim and Anti-Mexican Racism 

Hannah Gold · 06/12/16 02:55PM

Four leading rabbis denounced presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for his racist rhetoric, in a press release on Friday, Haaretz reports. The letter was published just ahead of a speech Trump made at a Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington D.C., in which he argued against setting aside government funds to resettle Syrian refugees in the United States and railed against “radical Islamic terrorism.”

Donald Trump Has Joined Media Twitter

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/12/16 02:38PM

Donald Trump today briefly used his Twitter account to do something other than troll the American public—he started tweeting like some kind of reporter.

FBI Investigated Orlando Nightclub Gunman Twice Before

Brendan O'Connor · 06/12/16 01:35PM

Just before he walked into Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, early Sunday morning and opened fire, killing 50, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen called 911 to pledge allegiance to the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, also referencing the Tsarnaev brothers. But his extremism was apparently already known—the FBI had previously investigated him on at least two separate occasions.