Nevada Senate Candidate Accidentally Owns Opponent With Link to

Sharron Angle, a Republican running for U.S. Senate in Nevada this year, put a sick and very graphic burn on her opponent, Joe Heck, in a newsletter sent to voters this month. That’s because a URL that one might think leads to Mr. Heck’s campaign site instead redirects you to a page that, as far as I can tell, has very little to do with the three-term congressman’s pro-business conservative platform.
The mailer, which also appeared online, listed Heck’s website as In fact, his website is (The online version has since been corrected.) The former URL, for some reason, redirects to, a website that features—you guessed it—images of cartoons having sex with each other, and is obviously NSFW.
According to Whois information, was registered by a person named John Rashad, who has no apparent connection to either the Angle or the Heck campaigns. Speaking with Talking Points Memo, an Angle spokesman chalked the snafu up to a printing error, and stated that the “Angle campaign has, in no way, promoted the website.”
Heck’s campaign, however, is dubious. “The Sharron Angle campaign has been spreading misinformation to voters and unfortunately this is the latest, ridiculous, dirty trick,” a spokesperson told TPM.
Incidentally, this is far from the wackiest thing Angle has ever said or done on the campaign trail. In 2010, the candidate, who is not Asian, told a group of students that she has “been called the first Asian legislator in our Nevada State Assembly,” and questioned whether some members of the Latino group she was addressing were not in fact Asian as well. She has endorsed addiction “cures” developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. She believes abortion should be outlawed outright, and and has said that women impregnated from rape by their fathers should turn that “lemon situation” into lemonade.
Very cool candidate, all in all. We wish her the best of luck.