The Washington Post spoke with the ex-wife of suspected Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, who says he was “not a stable person” who beat her during their short marriage.

Mateen, who died in a shootout with police, killed at least 50 people and injured more than 50 others when he opened fire on a gay nightclub in Orlando early Sunday morning.

“He beat me. He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that,” the ex-wife, who was granted anonymity, told the paper.

She says they met online and married in March of 2009, when she moved to Florida to live with him in a two-bedroom Fort Pierce condo owned by Mateen’s family.

They were only married for a few months, the ex-wife reports, before she told her parents about the abuse and divorced Mateen. Their divorce was reportedly finalized in 2011.

Her parents flew down to Fort Pierce and pulled her out of the house, leaving all her belongings behind. The ex-wife she said never had contact with Mateen again despite attempts by him to reach her.

“They literally saved my life,” she said of her parents.

Mateen was reportedly investigated by the FBI in 2013 and 2014 over his alleged ties to extremists, but during the time they lived together, the ex-wife says, he wasn’t particularly religious and showed no indication of subscribing to radical Islamism.

“He seemed like a normal human being,” she said.

The woman’s father verified her account to the Post.