Photo: AP

Four leading rabbis denounced presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for his racist rhetoric, in a press release on Friday, Haaretz reports. The letter was published just ahead of a speech Trump made at a Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington D.C., in which he argued against setting aside government funds to resettle Syrian refugees in the United States and railed against “radical Islamic terrorism.”

The four rabbis who contributed to the letter are Rabbi Gil Steinlauf of Adas Israel Congregation; Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president emeritus of the Union for Reform Judaism; Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld of Washington’s Ohev Shalom synagogue; and Steve Gutow, a Reconstructionist rabbi.

Rabbi Yoffie’s comment concerned national security and civil rights:

If Muslims are not free and safe in America, then Christians and Jews are not free and safe in America. If Latinos are not free and safe in America, then no ethnic group is free and safe in America.

Rabbi Steinlauf wrote that Trump’s anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican comments in particular have emboldened white supremacists, and urged Jews to be vociferous in their opposition to Trump, saying, “The Jewish people must speak out in solidarity with all our brothers and sisters who are under threat by Trump.”

Jewish religious leaders and rabbis have spoken against Trump in the past, most notably with a boycott of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference in March, to protest Trump speaking at the event.