Nigel Farage Exits UKIP Leadership Role 

Hannah Gold · 07/04/16 10:16AM

Nigel Farage, the man who lead the charge for Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, has resigned as leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), the country’s far-right political faction

Israel Accuses Facebook of Perpetuating West Bank Violence

Hannah Gold · 07/03/16 03:00PM

Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan accused Facebook and its chief executive Mark Zuckerberg of being partially responsible for violence in the West Bank, including the murder of a 13-year old Israeli girl last Thursday. Eredan claims that Facebook failed to remove extremist content that incited violence and hampered the work of Israeli police.

Meme Makes Questionable Journey From Neo-Nazi Message Board to Trump's Twitter

Hannah Gold · 07/03/16 10:05AM

On Saturday, Donald Trump posted a meme on Twitter featuring his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s face superimposed on piles of $100 bills, with a Star of David next to her bearing the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” Charges of antisemitism ensued. Obviously. The post was subsequently removed and reposted with a circle instead of the star.

FBI Grills Hillary Clinton About Emails 

Hannah Gold · 07/02/16 02:45PM

The FBI interviewed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for three-and-a-half hours on Saturday morning as part of its investigation into whether her use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State broke the law. The interview was conducted at FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Trump Literally Fails to Cover Up His Antisemitism on Twitter

Hannah Gold · 07/02/16 11:46AM

Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted a picture of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton featuring a pile of money and the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” inside a Star of David, on Saturday.

20 Hostages Killed in Dhaka Café Attack 

Hannah Gold · 07/02/16 09:30AM

An 11-hour standoff with alleged Islamic militants at an upscale bakery in Dhaka broke Saturday morning when Bangladeshi troops stormed the premises. Of the roughly three dozen hostages held at the café, offices found 20 had been killed in one of the deadliest terror attacks the country has seen, CNN reports.