Photo: AP

Trump finally responded to allegations of antisemitism that followed the presumptive GOP presidential nominee tweeting out a picture of Hillary Clinton, piles of money, and a six-sided star on Saturday.

On Monday morning Trump insisted that the star was meant to represent a sheriff’s badge (a nod to the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton’s old private email server) or a “plain star” and not a Star of David.

Trump took to Twitter, again, this time in his own defense:

Trump’s campaign adviser Ed Brookover was peddling the same line over at CNN Monday morning, saying that there was, “never any intention of anti-Semitism” and that Trump had denounced antisemitism in the past.

Less than an hour after the Trump team tweeted the offensive image on Saturday, the star was replaced with a circle.

Mic reported on Sunday that the exact image that appeared on Trump’s Twitter account had been posted on a neo-Nazi blog nearly two weeks earlier.

That would be the one with the star, not the circle.