Evan Bayh Is Done Making a Lot of Money and Would Like to Return to the Senate Now, Please

Alex Pareene · 07/12/16 02:39PM

Evan Bayh is returning to politics. The former Democratic governor of Indiana and U.S. senator has decided to enter the race for his old Senate seat, which is currently occupied by a retiring Republican. This is exciting news for people who want Democrats to retake the Senate, and bad news for people who want Democrats to retake the Senate not just for the sake of retaking the Senate, but so that those Democrats can actually accomplish things.

Donald Trump Wishes a Swift Death Upon Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Brendan O'Connor · 07/12/16 02:21PM

Never one to brush off criticism lightly, Donald Trump was very offended by Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s remarks to the New York Times this weekend that she would consider moving to New Zealand were he to win the presidential election.

The Bernie Sanders Meme Community Is Freaking the Fuck Out

Ashley Feinberg · 07/12/16 01:18PM

If there’s anything to be said about Bernie Sanders fans, it’s that they’ve handled the past year with the sort of sensitivity so rarely seen in politics today. And now that Bernie Sanders has finally conceded to Hillary Clinton, they’re responding with the same fair-minded thoughtfulness we’ve all come to know and love.

Rich Men Seek Praise for Showering Workers With Pennies

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/16 11:30AM

Some of America’s biggest corporations are (very publicly) raising the minimum wages of their employees. This is better than nothing, but not as good as, say, dangling a CEO by his ankles and shaking him until all of his billions fall out.

Bernie Bites the Bullet

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/12/16 11:12AM

Bernie Sanders today endorsed Hillary Clinton, his obligatory words of approval impressively audible through his thin smile.

Donald Trump's Largest Son Is Incoherent About Money, Just Like Dad

Brendan O'Connor · 07/12/16 10:46AM

The Washington Post continues its aggressive reporting on Donald Trump’s charitable contributions, most recently putting the screws to the presumptive Republican nominee’s son, Eric Trump. “It’s disgusting. It is so disgusting what’s happening,” Eric complained last week. “I’m saving dying children. We do tremendous good for people. And you’re sitting there tearing us apart.”

Dead Shopping Malls MIGHT Destroy Our Economy

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/16 08:50AM

Risk! A short word that keeps the world exciting and dangerous and ultimately destroys us all. In these uncertain times, we pine for the totems of our simple past—like the risk of massive real estate bubbles.

Tricking Someone Into Believing They Won the Hamilton Lottery Is the Best Prank of 2016

Jordan Sargent · 07/11/16 01:45PM

This past Saturday was Lin-Manuel Miranda’s final performance as Alexander Hamilton in the Epic Rap Battles of History-turned-Broadway sensation Hamilton. Tickets to the show were reportedly being sold on secondary markets for four-to-five figures, which would have made it particularly painful to have discovered that you missed an email announcing that you had won $10 tickets to the performance through the play’s limited lottery system.