Corey Lewandowski Is Being Paid By Donald Trump While Being Paid By CNN To Talk About Donald Trump

Jordan Sargent · 07/13/16 01:18PM

CNN’s hiring of ex-Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has already proven to be a gigantic mess. Journalists—including, reportedly, those within CNN—have objected to the network paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to a man who has personally threatened people who are now his colleagues, but CNN has soldiered on anyway with the belief that Lewandowski provides unique insight into the Trump campaign.

Here's Audio of What Sounds Like an NYPD Captain Pressuring an Officer to Target Black Men

Andy Cush · 07/13/16 12:20PM

When NYPD officer Michael Birch was summoned into a performance evaluation meeting with his commanding officer and a lieutenant one day in August 2012, he was expecting to hear more of what he’d heard in the past about the way he did his job: that he wasn’t generating enough “activity.” As an officer in the transit bureau, he says, that meant being told to issue more summonses for fare evasion, and arresting more people for stealing fellow straphangers’ cell phones.

I Wonder if Taylor Swift’s Lawyer Has Malpractice Insurance 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/13/16 12:07PM

Taylor Swift, a famous young singer unlucky enough to have several private romantic moments captured from multiple angles by paparazzi apparently located just feet away from her, did a funny PR thing this week. It has inspired her “ex-boyfriend,” Calvin Harris to go on a frankly hilarious Twitter rant, raising the question—who forgot to include some sort of social media clause?

Must Be Nice to Be a Man 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/13/16 09:10AM

Pictured: A group of reporters gathered outside Indiana governor Mike Pence’s house. Some of them look very comfortable!

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/16 09:00AM

Despite a tourism boom, Cuba’s economy is struggling so much that some are warning of a brewing “perfect storm” of social unrest. Thank god these communists can look to America as an example of social and political stability.

Tax Weed, Save the Homeless

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/16 08:30AM

Life is not all about sitting around “getting high” and daydreaming about saving the world and having hot sex at the same time. Life is about tax policy—that’s where the action is.

Ghostbusters Director Won't Confirm If Kate McKinnon's Character Is Gay (And Sort Of Blames Sony)

Rich Juzwiak · 07/12/16 04:55PM

Since it was announced, people (if men actually count as people) have been losing their shit over the new Ghostbusters reboot simply because the Ghostbusters are all women this time around. If a particularly shrill segment of the male population can’t deal with the notion of proton guns as functioning ghost-capturing tools and not just neon penis extensions, could they possibly deal with a gay female Ghostbuster? A real, you know, lesbian type?

YouTubers Took Money From Warner Bros. For Glowing Video Game Reviews

Jordan Sargent · 07/12/16 03:03PM

As the profession of journalism slowly dies, what is sprouting up in its wake are “content creators”—people who replicate the facade of journalism while skipping most of the hard stuff. One manifestation of this phenomenon is the growing swath of people who review art and entertainment on YouTube, healdined by Pewdiepie, the Swede who has become the single most subscribed user on Youtube, making of tens of millions of dollars in the process.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/16 02:55PM

NBC says it will air the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics on a one-hour delay in order to “curate [it to not show any possible Zika deaths, riots, terrorist acts, or faulty stadium collapses].”