Documents Show Bill Clinton Took All of the Money and Answered None of the Questions

Jordan Sargent · 07/11/16 11:57AM

By their own estimation, Bill and Hillary Clinton have made over $150 million off speaking engagements since Bill left the White House in 2001. Over the last decade, their six-figure fees—and the attendant contractual demands—have become standard, but a new story in the Los Angeles Times reveals some of the extraordinary measures organizations were required to go to in order to book, and satisfy, Bill and his team.

Donald Trump Makes the Perfect Campaign Hire

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/11/16 09:10AM

This week the Trump campaign finally made a decision that makes sense, hiring a former communications director for a company that operates not unlike the Trump campaign itself—the UFC.

DeRay Mckesson and Several Journalists Arrested at Black Lives Matter Protests 

Hannah Gold · 07/10/16 09:50AM

On Saturday night, police arrested several activists and journalists at protests across the country over the highly publicized fatal police shootings of two black men this week. On Monday, a police officer shot and killed Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as he was being held down by two other officers, and on Wednesday a cop mortally shot Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota as Castile was reaching for his driver’s license during a routine traffic stop. Both murders were documented in videos that went viral.

9 Tips for Mastering Pokémon Go

Ashley Feinberg · 07/08/16 05:20PM

1. Keep an open mind! You never know where a rare Pokémon might be hiding. Don’t be afraid to explore new areas of your town—adventure is what it’s all about!

Donald Trump Spent $120,000 of Other People's Money on Lunch With "Salma Hayek and Her Breasts"

Brendan O'Connor · 07/08/16 04:53PM

In 2008, at a gala hosted by Gucci benefiting Madonna’s charity, Donald Trump paid $120,000 for a tour of a France’s Chateau Latour vineyard. As auctioneer Chris Rock described, the tour would include a lunch with “Salma Hayek and her breasts.” According to BuzzFeed News, however, not only did Trump use other people’s money to pay for the trip, he never even went on it.