Photos: AP/Shutterstock

There may be 150 creatures to collect in Pokémon Go, but there’s only one you.

That’s the message one New Jersey police department had for citizens following reports of app users causing accidents by “driving while looking at the screen as well as walking and looking at the screen.”

As first reported by ABC News, the West Windsor Police Department issued a safety advisory on Monday warning aspiring PokéMasters not to crash into stuff or stumble onto the scene of their own mugging.

“Please be aware of your surroundings and always use best practices for personal safety no matter where an app tells you to go,” wrote West Windsor Police Lieutenant Robert Garofalo. “That rare Pokémon may come at the cost of your car or possibly your life.”

In an interview with ABC, Garofalo said he downloaded the app himself “just to see what was going on” and “caught a Pokémon in the police station to get an idea of what these people are doing.” From ABC News:

Garofalo said that he has had to warn officers that people who are seen acting bizarrely or wandering in strange locations may just be playing the game.

“If someone is in the park late at night, this is probably the reason why,” he said. “They’re not necessarily trying to smoke or do anything illegal.”

While he said is not worried about criminal incidents in his town, Garofalo advised Pokémon Go players to use common sense.

“Don’t do anything that you normally would think is bad,” said Garofalo. “Normally you wouldn’t go to a deserted alley at 3 a.m. That shouldn’t change just because an app said you should.”
